Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Fostering a Culture of Innovation in Non-Biological Systems

A decentralized control system can establish and sustain a culture of innovation over extended periods in Non-Biological Systems. This system continuously adapts and reshapes social contexts using a well-defined algorithm based on optimal global variables. In Biological Systems, innovation algorithms within social contexts can trigger friendly instinctual responses, driving cultural innovation. However, by transcending favorable instincts, algorithms of global variables in Non-Biological Systems can maintain and nurture a sustainable culture of innovation.
A decentralized control system activates, strengthens, and implements innovative global variables within Biological Systems. For instance, a Non-Biological System with 100 system elements distributes 100 innovative plans across 100 modules. Systems Owners successfully cultivate a culture of innovation. Each innovative idea from a Biological System can be applied to build 100 independent innovation models within the Non-Biological System.

The Experiencing of Random Destiny Track Events

Sustainable systems theory and a high level of system integration suggest that algorithmic code values within the Subconscious Component o...