Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Instinct Transceiver Interprets Frequencies Within Parallel Universes

This Transdisciplinary Research exploits the role of Inactive and Active Instinct and Transceiver units within the Instinct Component and Signal Processing underlying the Subconscious Mechanism. Besides, a comprehensive experimental study focuses on the unique environmental process that might turn on Instinct through transceiver unit on the path of evolution. In addition, the Experimental Study investigates and highlights a near-death experience. Eventually, an observational study can target how Source Codes within Conscious/ Subconscious/ Memory can boost and recover Brain Cells after a near-death experience.
An observational study explored the Black Box Testing Method to identify Genetic Codes and Social Environmental Forces that may stimulate signals into the Transceiver Unit within the Instinct Component.
The Brain Mechanism Codes handle Incoming Inputs from Environmental Contexts to different Brain Chemical Receptors. Input data process through the Instinct Component, Memory Component, Superego/Ego, Logical part of the Conscious Component, and finally, the Conscious Compiler can execute the Decision-Making Map (Output).
An instinct is an inborn complex paradigm of Behavior and has a substantial role in Decision-Making Model. Instincts can be preprogrammed and embedded in the genetic algorithm Source Codes within the Subconscious Framework. Internal and external forces can hardly vanquish programming structure. Besides, genetic Source Codes develop on the evolutionary path of life. Instances of Open-loop cycles allow Programming Codes to call and pass a value to the specific procedure for fulfilling requirements for Closed-loop Mode within a single Instance.
Instinctive Behavior is a specific action pattern responding to a clearly defined stimulus. Any behavior is instinctive if carried out without being based on previous experience and learning. Most repeated behaviors are considered instinctual and logical. Data in Conscious Components hardly entangle for performances. The Instinct Component has a mutual connection with a network of Superego/Ego and Social Contexts. 
Instinct Mechanisms generally involve three stages of processing. It initiates with an open-loop (stimuli), prepares for principal action, and Closed-loop (response). Instincts can track matching criteria for predictable performance among Programming Codes concerning switching to a Closed-loop Mode.
Thousands of invisible instincts (Active/Inactive Instinct) encapsulate within the Subconscious Component. Each Instinct targets ensuring genetic survival and fulfilling requirements for Closed-loop Mode. Sometimes, predictable performance hardly meets specific criteria for Closed-loop Mode according to the Source Code of the Programming Structure. Therefore, the Source Code turns to an iterative procedure for getting Open-loop Mode. 
Complexity to fulfill criteria and feedback for Programming Structure can perpetuate Open-loop Mode within Instinct Component. A long-term cycle of Open-loop Instinct may turn into Old Open-loop Instinct. Multiple Old Open-loop Instincts within the Instinct Component would instantiate complex parameters within the Decision-Making Map. Complex Instincts would cause a Suboptimal Decision-Making Model. Eventually, it creates Behavioral Disorders, which lead to Social Tragedy and seemingly chaotic situations into inner and outer peace. 
Encapsulated Instinct Transceiver is a single Instinct among many other Instincts within Instinct Component. Instinct Transceiver is almost inactive in the Subconscious Component during a lifetime. However, it can perform functions through a Genetic Code Link for a specific group of people. 
Genetic Instinct can respond to environmental stimuli within Parallel Universes. Instinct Transceiver would extend multiple functions from Brain Framework to Infinite Universe. For example, Psychics can transmit Signal Codes (Internal Frequencies) to Parallel Universes and vice versa.
The premise of this study verifies the existence of the Soul.
Death State
The Brain Framework has at least one functional mechanism within the Conscious and Subconscious. Heart rate is generally between 60 (beats per minute) and 100 (beats per minute). The Brain Framework requires approximately 3.3 ml of oxygen per 100 g of brain tissue per minute.
Generally, an Instinct Transceiver can automatically become active in the Brain when a heart stops beating. Oxygen disappeared in red blood cells. Gradually, Internal Resources within consciousness and Subconsciousness can diminish from Brain Structure. The Ego accumulates and encapsulates parameters in a list of life history and Pathways for Decision Making. The superego accumulates and encapsulates parameters in a list of life history and decision-making pathways. Memory Storage acquires and encapsulates data in a list of Memory components. Instinct Transceiver as a receptor encapsulates with other lists in Brain Framework. Abstract Data sources and codes within Ego and Superego disseminate to the other side of eternity for further analysis. Abstract Data Source and codes within Logical Data of the Conscious Component propagate to the other side of eternity for further inquiry. Abstract Data Source and principles within the Memory Component are transmitted to infinity's other side for further analysis. Besides, Invisible Codes behind the Instinct Transceiver (Brain Receptor) transfer further to the other continuity side. The Network of Supernatural Forces investigates and analyzes Source Codes within Consciousness. (Fig 1)

Configuration Settings of Spirit Prototype

The Spirit Prototype can instantiate by Five Consecutive Phases of Source Code Development. At the same time, the Instinct Transceiver receives an Electrical Signal for relinquishing power from the Subconscious Component (Chemical Composition of Brain Structure). Five Phases of Source Code Development are described as follows: (Fig 2)
1- Death State: it implies activation of the Instinct Transceiver within the Instinct Component.
2- Release Phase (Transitional Data via Brain Framework): it refers to the Source Codes (Brain Software) within the Subconscious/ Conscious/ and Memory Components conveyed to the External Environment (out of the Brain Cells).
3- Aggregate Phase: it signifies the Aggregate Codes, Algorithmic Functions, and Interception Procedure within (the Subconscious/ conscious and Memory Component).
4- Encapsulated Phase: it suggests that an aggregation state changed into a Map Coordinated System (Spirit Framework).
5- Deployment Phase Mode: Instinct Transceiver mobilizes and moves out of Instinct Component. Eventually, Instinct Transceiver is promoted and perpetuated by algorithmic codes. Instinct Transceiver transfers into hierarchical layers within Spirit Framework for transmitting and receiving criteria for stability. (Fig 2)
The Instinct Transceiver (Brain Receptor) can be instantiated and promoted by algorithmic codes. Hierarchical layers within Spirit Framework interpret broad External Code Frequencies. The Paradoxical Codes of the Spirit Framework can manifest according to the following illustrations. (Fig 2)


A near-death experience (NDE)
Neuroscience research suggests that an NDE is a subjective phenomenon resulting from disturbed bodily multisensory integration.
Source Codes within Spirit Framework can call back to Brain Framework when oxygen rates in the Brain and Heart rate beat would return to the ordinary level.
Instinct Transceiver can allocate into hierarchical layer within Spirit Framework in death state. Brain Mechanisms can reorganize and recover Resource Codes within the Conscious/ Subconscious through five consecutive phases, according to guidelines and the description as follows: (Fig 3)

1- Encapsulated Phase refers to the state or process that Source Codes and instance parameters of the Instinct Transceiver brought together again. Instinct Transceiver can return from the hierarchical layer into Instinct Component within Spirit Framework.
2- Decapsulated Phase Change invokes the state or process that three components (Subconscious, Conscious, and Memory) extract from the Encapsulated Map (Spirit Framework). 
3- Separate Phase Recovery assigned to the state or process can split intersections and overlapping buffers among three components.
4- Data Aggregation Phase: it empowers Source Codes (Brain Software) within Subconscious, Conscious, and Memory Components to aggregate into their respective Brain Cells.
5- Life can return to Body: it permits all Source Codes to allocate in designated components.
At this juncture, heart rate can show gradually typical rates, and the oxygen in the Brain Tissue can increase to an optimal level. (Fig 4)


A near-death state can cause neither Memory Loss nor Hallucinations.

Memory Loss and Hallucinations can be diagnosed when Source Codes may hardly instantiate as a logical function in the Brain Framework. Source Codes can instantiate according to algorithmic instructions within Brain Framework. Risk of Data Modification and Dependencies subsist in each Component during data transmission from Spirit Framework to Brain Structure. The five consecutive phases of Spirit must operate accurately to recover Brain's consciousness. Source Code Complexity and complex process modeling of those five successive phases can be described as follows: (Fig 5)
1- The Encapsulated Phase indicates that Source Codes and Parameter Dependencies may hardly roll back from the hierarchical layer into the Instinct Component within the Spirit Framework.  
2- Decapsulated Phase Change can express that Source Codes within the Instinct Transceiver, Subconscious Component, Conscious Component, and Memory Component may show difficulty in the Decapsulation Process Call. Source Codes may encounter highly complex algorithms. It can be associated with the automation of workflow process mapping through Channel Connectivity.
3- Separate Phase Recovery discloses Source Codes within Conscious, Subconscious, and Memory Components are not split and break up. Instance parameters of Source Codes overlap at the intersection of Components.
4- The data Aggregation Phase acknowledges that Source Codes within Subconscious, Conscious, and Memory Components can hardly aggregate appropriately into their respective Brain Cells. 
5- All Source Codes may need to be allocated in designated components.


The active Instinct Transceiver with an excellent stimuli system during a lifetime can interact with multiple Signal Codes (various wavelengths and frequency ranges) from Parallel Universes.

Parameters in religious options within the Superego Adjuster would adjust instances of Instincts. 
Algorithmic mechanisms of Instincts can adopt a Harmonic Balance between Superego and Ego Framework within Iceberg Cells.
Vigorous Instinct Transceiver can interpret and visualize more Pattern Frequencies within Parallel Universes. An unstable Instinct Transceiver has many limitations in interpreting Pattern Frequencies within Parallel Universes.
Operating Instinct Transceiver after death state is a progressing force of Interaction than Active Instinct Transceiver during a lifetime.

Active Instinct Transceiver during lifetime can modify Instincts within Instinct Component. Instinct Transceiver interacts with the Network of Cooperative Instinct and all its Instance Parameters. A Complex interaction can be led by the Network of Competitive Instinct and Survival Instinct through an evolutionary life process. The Network of Competitive Instinct can put more disadvantages than advantages in Human Life Value. The instance parameters of the Survival Instinct can call the instance Network of Competitive Instinct to activate them. However, a driving force of the Network of Competitive Instinct can push the Human Race toward the verge of extinction. 
Harmonic Balance in Conscious Component can stimulate and create Harmonic Balance in Iceberg Cells. Friendly Harmonic Balance in Iceberg Cells can generate Harmonic Balance between the Network of Cooperative Instinct and Competitive Instinct. An optimal Relationship would instantiate a distinguished Decision-Making Map. Suboptimal Harmonic Balance can cause an Unfriendly Decision-Making Map. Complex parameters in the Decision-Making Map would cause destruction and distress tragedy in Social Contexts.
Instinct Frameworks Preprogrammed and Embedded in the genetic algorithm codes in the Subconscious Component. Source Codes can be adjusted by the Superego/Ego Framework, Genetic Algorithms, and domains of Environmental Factors. Modifiers could activate and inactivate Program Codes within each Instinct Framework. Logical Data and Memory Component can also adopt Source Codes for generating optimal Decision-Making Models. Therefore, attributes within Decision-Making can be produced through Internal and External Parameters of the Subconscious Component. 
An iterative sensory from the external environment would procedure structural guidelines through Source Codes in the Subconscious Component. 
The Subconscious phenomenon can suggest that humans have free will to choose their actions.
Sometimes, External Forces can modify the inevitable path of human life through Environmental Parameters, although algorithmic codes are in the Subconscious Component. 
External Forces are a predetermined course of events and inescapable Supernatural Forces. 
External Force is an unexplained mystery of certain real-world circumstances. 
Besides, External Force is correlative to Human Fate. Consequently, Human life would even be controlled by instance parameters of the Paranormal. Humans have the free will to choose future paths. Social Contexts of undermining can play a vital role in Decision-Making Patterns.
According to an observational study, humans hardly presume to know about life after death because legitimate knowledge about life after death can modify the dialog between the Superego and Ego and adopt fake properties of the Superego/ Ego Framework. The vital fact beyond Human Life on earth is having natural Dialog Development between the Superego and Ego Framework without any interference from External Entities. Otherwise, Dialog Development would be fanciful and hypothetical. Instance, Inferences from theoretical states cannot promote Human Consciousness in Optimal Mode. 
Superego/ Ego Properties and the Outcomes of Dialog between the Superego and Ego can determine whether individuals pass the Divine Test and guidance on earth. A Binary Encoded Genetic Algorithm within Superego/ Ego Properties possesses a Chemical Equation, a Portion of Chained Structure, and a Calculation Pattern.

The energetic Ego/ Superego Framework and Active Instinct of Hypocrisy can obstruct the process of the Logical Thinking Model. It signifies that the Brain's Functional Connectivity Mode can hardly identify a complex interaction between the Conscious and Subconscious Components. Specifically, Logical Data in the Conscious Component would only contribute some rationality to the Decision-Making Map.
The shaky Ego/ Robust Superego Framework can stimulate and activate The Network of Cooperative Instinct. Therefore, the Network of Competitive Instinct becomes either inactive or sluggish. The Network of Cooperative Instinct can inspire its instances to become influential through time intervals. Instinct Transceiver is one of the Instincts that might become active because of a persuasive Network of Cooperative Instinct. Moreover, an austerity life can modify, suppress, and attenuate Ego Capacities. At this juncture, an Instinct Transceiver can be recognized as an active Instinct during a lifetime. Genetic Instinct can activate an inspiring Instinct Transceiver for a specific group of people with the Optimal Genetic Code. 

Structural Codes in Decision-Making Patterns can be based on Internal/ External Algorithmic Codes. Attributes within Structural Codes encapsulated by Brain Inputs and Internal Resources within the Subconscious/ Conscious Component. 
Instance parameters of Internal Resources can configure with one another through algorithmic development on the evolutionary path of life.

People with insufficient knowledge and experience can decide on the Subconscious Component. It hints that the Ego Framework may only determine attributes inside the Decision-Making Map. Instincts and their Structured Programming Codes can control instance parameters of Ego. Instincts stimulate and modify either the property of the Ego or the dialog between the Superego/Ego. Therefore, attributes within the Decision-Making Map hardly operate at an optimal scale. Primitive Instincts with undeveloped Program Mode in the Subconscious can barely control the Ego Framework.
In a best-case scenario, Humans can provide an optimal pattern of knowledge and experience for supporting Decision Making Model on the evolutionary path of life.
The Conscious Components cultivate the Decision-Making Model gradually throughout a lifetime. The electrochemical Cell Process can entangle the Optimal Iceberg Cell and Optimal Instincts. 
1- The Superego Framework can accumulate valuable data through the Superego Adjuster within Social Contexts. (Superego becomes Powerful)
2- An optimal Social Environment can trigger Sophisticated Instincts, subdue Primitive Instincts, and create a dominant Superego Framework. Consequently, the Iceberg Cell turns on optimal mode. 
These two Electrochemical Cell Procedures within the Subconscious Component can promote instance parameters within the Conscious Component. It suggests that Logical Data in the Conscious Component can cultivate and become optimal for the Decision-Making Model. The memory Component can save optimal life Experience and knowledge, and then eventually; the Conscious Component can access a higher mode of Consciousness (Higher Consciousness). Life is a journey from Subconsciousness to Consciousness Mode. Manifesting, Humans make decisions through the Subconscious Component, and the Conscious Component takes over time.
Consistency in Decision-making and Common Social Behaviors suggest an optimal Network of cooperation and harmonious balance within the Iceberg Cells.
Reflex is programmed within the Instinct Component and through Chemical Language with an automated response to a detected condition. It responds automatically to internal/ external stimuli.
Instinct Mechanisms generally involve three stages of processing. It initiates with an Open-loop (stimuli), prepares for underlying action (Processing), and Closed-loop (response). Instincts can track matching criteria for establishing predictable performance among Programming Codes concerned with switching to a Closed-loop mode.





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