Thursday, June 27, 2013

Two Primary Instincts Obstruct Human Development

Instinctive behaviors are specific action patterns triggered by well-defined stimuli, occurring without relying on prior experience, thinking, and learning. They can be perpetuated through algorithmic code extended beyond generating ingrained patterns embedded in our genetic code, which are remarkably resistant to internal and external influences. Most instinctual behaviors are repeated patterns that operate through three primary processing cycles. Countless networks of instincts are encapsulated in direct Biological Systems, each designed to ensure genetic survival. When individuals become overly vulnerable to fulfilling the Open-loop cycle of instincts, it can lead to behavioral imbalances before achieving Closed-loop conditions. Instincts are divided into two types:
1- Primary Instincts: These are preprogrammed algorithmic codes that go beyond basic instincts within the Instinct Component. They are designed to draw attention to external stimuli (Open-loop cycle), execute and manage actions (Processing cycle), and set objectives (Closed-loop cycle) within the Subconscious Component.

2-Secondary Instincts: preprogrammed algorithmic codes play a supporting role, often creating tension but ultimately serving the needs of Primary Instincts.
Secondary Instincts are thus functional mechanisms to support and achieve the conditions required by Primary Instincts, creating a system that moves from Open-loop (stimulus) to processing (action preparation) to Closed-loop (response).
According to studies, human behavior has remained unchanged since the Middle Ages despite technological advancements that improve our standard of living. Given that all entities in nature are deeply interconnected, there is a high degree of alignment between the patterns of nature and human behavior. Through this connection, humans inherit fundamental global variables, or instincts, from nature as understood through systems theory.
Primary Instincts, shaped by the challenges of nature, can be divided into the Network of Competitive and Cooperative Instincts, general instincts without any networks, Gender/Genetic Instincts, and the Survival Instinct within the Instinct Component. While essential for navigating social life and the competitive environmental world, it demands optimal activation of these two instincts in the Subconscious Component.  Algorithmic codes beyond these two instincts can challenge, motivate, and promote life forward and automatically eliminate any barricades for progression on the evolutionary path.
The cruelty paradigm in Mother Nature implies that the stability and Harmonious Balance of certain species can depend on the existence of other species.
The Network of Competitive and Survival Instincts, embedded with adaptive algorithmic codes, reflects the social life or Global Consciousness. These two instincts have the potential to either hinder humanity's sustainable development or, over the long term, lead to humanity's decline.

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