Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Algorithmic Codes Beyond Quantum Consciousness

This Transdisciplinary Research focuses on identifying External Frequencies beyond the Conscious and Subconscious Components. The prospective observational study explores how Instance Source Codes of Subconscious and Conscious components encapsulate, synchronize, and execute before initiating a Decision-Making Map within Social Contexts. 
The black Box Testing Method is explored through experimental study for scrutinizing Instance Source Codes beyond the Logical part of the Conscious Component. The basic principles of Artificial Intelligence and the Systems Theory Framework apply to the Reliability Evaluation Test of Source Codes.
The Brain Mechanism Components handle Incoming Data Streams (External Input) from Environmental Contexts through different sensors. Input data process through the Instinct Component, Memory Component, Superego/Ego, the Logical part of the Conscious Component, and eventually Conscious Compiler can execute the Decision-Making Map (Output).
Subconscious Mechanism: 

Algorithmic Sequential Parameters beyond the frequency of Social Domain articulate and released into action by Systems Owners. Human Brain-Absorbed Sequential Parameters in Social Domains through Various Sensors.
Algorithmic Frequency and Electrical signals (codes) travel through the optic nerve (Centralized Nervous System), carrying information. Brain Inputs are Accumulated Data Sets within the Brain Sensors. 
A subconscious Mechanism is a regulated process in which Brain Inputs modify a collection of Algorithmic Components. Modifications transmit to Conscious Mechanism through Chemical Signal Processing. For example, the alteration can involve implications of the following Functions:
1- Operational Instincts.
2- Dialog between Superego and Ego (Change Harmonic Balance between Superego and Ego).
3- Harmonic Balance in Consciousness.
Brain Inputs modify Instinct Component to new Activated/ Inactivated Modes. Modification within the Instinct Component can generate an Open-loop Cycle in Instinct Mechanisms. It implies that the Processing Mode acquires requirements for Closed-loop within a time interval. A long delay in a feedback loop within a single Instance can create an Old Open-loop Condition. Ref-Codes of an old Open-loop compile in Instinct and Memory Components. Old Open-loop Instinct can trigger a self-perpetuating cycle because of either complexity in Instinct Operations or the Complex Relationship between Superego and Ego Framework.
Dialog between Superego and Ego:
Structural properties of the Superego and Ego can alter when Brain Inputs adjust characteristics of Instincts. New Activated/ Inactivated Instincts can instantiate within the Instinct Component. Connectivity Mode between the Subconscious and Conscious Components would interrupt when the unstable condition appears between the Superego and Ego during dialog due to various circumstances. At the same time, a Harmonic Balance in the Consciousness reduces because of the disappearance of the Connectivity Mode. The stability between Superego and Ego can ensure a sustainable connection between the Subconscious and Conscious components. A sustainable between the Subconscious and Conscious can boot Brain Inputs and enhance data processes within the Conscious Mechanism. 
The frequency Domain within Harmonic Balance adopts Brain Inputs through the Brain Sensor and Centralized Nervous System.
Optimal Harmonic Balance can instantiate and perpetuate signals to the Instinct Component, Superego/Ego, and Iceberg Cells. However, Suboptimality can obstruct Connectivity Mode.
Conscious Mechanism: Optimal Harmonic Balance within Iceberg Cells can instantiate and perpetuate Data Processing from the Subconscious into the Conscious Component. Subconscious Data Processing can integrate with Parameters within the Logical part of Consciousness, Memory components, Belief Functions, and Subjective Opinions. The Outcome of Analysis Data Integration maintains the execution process within the Subconscious Compiler.
Subconscious Compiler: 
Data processing in the Conscious Component extends and transmits to the Subconscious Compiler. The Outcome of Data Processing through Subconscious/Conscious Components Executed in a Subconscious Compiler. Then, the Brain Framework interprets fundamental Insights for Decision-Making maps. The Default Pattern of Source Codes in Subconscious Component Adjusted by Multiple Interaction Cycles from Constitutional System to Social System. The Evolutionary patterns of Source Codes within external entities, Conscious Component, and Social Contexts identify Quantum Consciousness as the following Cycles:
Source Codes 1 generated by Conscious Component of Systems Owners and their instance entities. Systems Owners implement Source Code 1 through the Constitutional System. Source Code 1 executes within Social Contexts, and their outputs can produce Social Codes (Source Code 2) within Social Contexts. 
Source Code 2 can adjust and develop in Social Evolution, and it relies on Source Code 1; therefore, Social Code 2 can also have an interdependent relationship with Source Code 1. (Fig 1)
Source Code 2 penetrates and absorbs different sensors in Human Brains. Source Codes 2 interact with Resources within Subconscious Components, and their outputs can create Source Codes 3, which operates as inputs for Conscious Components through Subconscious Mechanism. Source Code 3 can also have an interdependent relationship with Source Code 2. (Fig 1)
Source Code 3 runs into Entire Resources within the logical part of the Conscious Component and the Outputs of Logical Resource Maps executed by the Subconscious Compiler. Code Execution can generate outputs in Source Code 4 through the Conscious Component. Signal task process Source Code 4 and can produce Registration Codes for Decision-Making Map. (Fig 1)
The logical Source Code 4 in the Conscious Component with the Subconscious Compiler is recognized as Quantum Consciousness. They handle Analysis Data from Iceberg Cells and Outcome Data Boost from Instinct Component. 
The Logical part of the Conscious Component runs self-contained data in the following subcomponents: 

1-Fantasy Generator
2-Component of a Data Analysis 
3-Ref- Storage (Reference Subcomponent) 


The controller within The Logical part of the Conscious Component can share Source Code 3 among Subcomponents (Secondary Storage). 
A controller would call the Memory Component Primary Storage through Ref- Storage within the Logical part of Consciousness if the Component of a Data Analysis requires acting. 
A Unique Reference Code within the Component of a Data Analysis can retrieve associated data, such as a gene function, from the Memory Component into the Logical part of the Conscious Component. (Fig 2)
Fantasy Generator operates with the instance process of Component of a Data Analysis; eventually, operative mechanisms can obtain and create intuitive thinking patterns in a long-term relationship. (Fig 2) 
The Component of a Data Analysis can attenuate a tendency toward increased complexity. 
It may add and promote Rational Thinking from transmitted codes within Iceberg cells (Fig 2).
Memory Component or Primary Data Storage can handle Short Term Memory, Long Term Memory, and operative mechanisms beyond Ref-codes/calling from the Logical Part of the Conscious Component. 
The Memory Component retains associated data to the Component of a Data Analysis according to the requested protocol within Ref-codes. Controllers within the Memory Component and Centralized Nervous System monitor related data. 
For example, activated Ref-codes within Fantasy Generator can call associated code in the Memory Component for executing specific operations within the Logical part of Conscious Component (Fig 2).
The centralized Nervous System is a Hierarchical Transmitter (Super Class Constructor). 
The system is a proxy channel among Conscious, Subconscious, and Common components. 
It allows various Signal Processing Algorithms between the Conscious Component and the Subconscious Component (Fig 2).
A Conscious Compiler has a substantial role in interpreting Signal Processing Algorithms, and it can instantiate Rational Frequency Signals within a Decision-Making Map. 
A conscious Compiler can be considered an Annex Component to the Logical part of the Conscious Component. 
The Conscious Compiler can execute Source Code 3 (Analytical Outputs) from the Logical part of the Conscious Component. (Fig 2)
Memory Reference Code within the Logical part of the Conscious Component can open a Logical Address within the Memory Component through instance inferences. 
The Logical part of the Conscious Component registers a new Reference Code for operation. 
Instance Reference Code within the Logical part of the conscious Component can trace and identify associated Ref-Code within the Memory Component. (Fig 2)
Constitutional parameters and Social Codes can be absorbed and digested by Brain Sensors and the Centralized Nervous System-Algorithmic Codes within Subconscious Components adjust and develop new characters through Brain Inputs. 
The modified Algorithmic Codes (New Character Codes) are Inputs for the Conscious Component. 
Data Inputs integrate with internal resources within Conscious Components. 
Integration Data Model can instantiate new data features and roll back within Conscious Components.
Standard Components can provide Source Codes available within Conscious Components, while internal resources call Source Codes for operations. (Fig 3) (Fig 4)
The Memory Component can aggravate and perpetuate Codes through the Superego Adjuster, Instinct Component, Superego/Ego, and Old Open-loops.
Instance Ref-code of perception registers within Iceberg-Cells. 
Instance Ref-codes of Belief and Opinion register within the Logical part of the Conscious Component. 
Instance Ref-codes of Old Open-loops register within Instinct Component.  
The Superego Adjuster (knowledge and experiences in the real world) is registered directly in the Memory Component. (Fig 3) (Fig 4)   



The human brain divides into two sections according to follows: 
1- Electrochemical circuits (Brain Software). It is an instance of the Conscious Component.
2- Biological Part (Brain Hardware)
The Author eliminated the Biological Part of the Brain in entire research projects. It focuses on the Electrochemical Part of the Brain. The Electrochemical Part of the Brain implies Logical Inferences and Preprocessing Steps beyond Conscious Mechanisms.
Source Code 3 runs to the Decision-Making Process through Conscious Mechanisms if Harmonic Balance subsists between the Superego and Ego. Otherwise, the Decision-Making Map is ultimately part of the Subconscious Component. A Harmonic Balance between Superego and Ego can ensure an Optimal Decision-Making Model. Source Codes 3 allocation within the Conscious Component (The Logical data in the Conscious Component) can provide an Optimal Decision-Making Map.

Centralized Nervous System Coordinates Source Code Transition between the Conscious and Subconscious Component. 
The satisfactory state of Harmonic Balance in Consciousness can stimulate and activate the Forgiveness Instinct. Therefore, the Instance parameters of the Forgiveness Instinct would turn on many other associated Instincts. Among others, the Forgiveness Instinct triggers the Compassionate and Self-awareness Instinct. 
Multiple Old Open-loops can diminish Harmonic Balance in Subconsciousness. Low Harmonic Balance deteriorates Decision-Making Model and Social Behavior Patterns.
Beliefs can grow as a result of vigorous Superego Adjuster/ Superego. The instance parameter of Belief can generate Logical Inferences within the Component of a Data Analysis and Decision-Making Pattern. Beliefs aggravate as codes in the Memory Component through Instance Inferences within the Logical data in the conscious Component. 
Perceptions result from the interaction between Social Contexts and Sensory Components. Perceptions are saved as codes in the Memory Component through Instance Inference within the Superego/Ego.

The Energetic Instinct adjusts the Ego/ Superego Framework for controlling Decision-Making Patterns and Social Behaviors. 
Optimal Harmonic Balance in Conscious Component can execute Source Code 3 and add the Instance Parameter of Goodwill in the Decision-Making Map.
Genuine Consistency in Social Behavior and System Performance can imply Harmonic Balance within a Designated System. Inconsistency in Social Behavior and System Performance can indicate low Harmonic Balance and complexity within System Resources.
The Instinct Component, Iceberg Cell, and the Logical data in the Consciousness become inactive during sleep time. 

1- Old Open-loops.
2- Perceptions. 
3- Intuitions. 
4- Opinions
5- Beliefs 
However, Instance Ref-Codes within the Memory Component (Primary Storage) are always active. Instance Ref-Codes within the Memory Component can instantiate the above maps again when sleeping is over. 
Active Components during sleeping time can prevent and interrupt sleep quality because Brain Resources require optimization tasks while most resources are in inactive modes.
Quantum Consciousness Definition, External Forces, and Internal Attributes within Conscious and Subconscious Components modify one another. Modification alters Consciousness properties and instance properties of Brain Frameworks and Social Contexts. 
The exclusive properties of Social Contexts can adjust External Forces and Internal Attributes. Adjustment perpetuates a unique feature of properties in the next cycle.   





The Harmonic Vibrational Cycle Shapes Life Paths

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