An old Open-loop
Cycle within a distinct instinct domain can reshape the decision-making patterns.
A self-perpetuating Open-loop Cycle may lead to an iterative process with a physical
body. In contrast, a Closed-loop Cycle without iteration removes the registration
codes of Open-loop cycles. It transmits signals to surroundings about the achievements
of specific task processes within the Subconscious Component.
An Open-loop
Cycle and an Old Open-loop Domain preserve distinct code characteristics within
component instances. Registration codes encapsulate the causes of open-loop
cycles and call for the brain to produce feedback according to requests from external
stimulation. These codes help identify and explore subsequent Open-loop Cycles
within Instinct Mechanisms. Over time, an Old Open-loop Domain accumulates unsatisfaction
demands of Open-loop Cycles, introducing complexity to facilitate the
transition into a Closed-loop Condition.
1.1-An Open-loop instinct
with a short-term cycle may naturally dissipate from the domain of registration
codes upon achieving a Closed-loop Condition.
1.2-An Optimal
Superego Adjuster can support and stabilize the Closed-loop Mode.
of Human Success and Failure
Factors: Ideal social contexts can generate the optimal
Superego Adjuster and efficient Harmonic Balance in the Subconscious Component to
secure the Superego Framework and Tenacious Genetic Conditions.
2.1.2-Outcome: Closed-loop Instincts can perpetuate the Cohesive with the
Attentive Instincts, producing consistent Decision-Making Patterns. Achievement
generates affectionate and Pro-social Behavior.
Factors: Immature social contexts can cause an unethical
Superego Adjuster, inefficient Harmonic Balance in the Subconscious Component, an
unstable Superego Framework, and Detrimental Genetic Conditions.
2.2.2-Outcome: Old Open-loop Mode within an instance of instincts perpetuates
Vicious Instincts, which produce Suboptimal Decision-Making patterns. The outcome
of complex Subconscious Components is disorder and violence in social behavior in