Saturday, March 4, 2023

Tribalism Aggravate Global Competition

Tribalism implies that people tend to be loyal to their tribes, parties, or groups to hold practical security interests. People seek others to share common goals, beliefs, and habits. Global competition can challenge corporations and individuals to search for strengths, accountabilities, and potential opportunities. Global leaders identify like-minded leaders to establish better political compatibilities within universal codes. Individuals look for people similarly through social media and various community networks to harmonize themselves on the evolutionary path of life. Algorithmic principles beyond the Network of the Cooperative and Competitive Instincts within the subconscious component generate a decision-making pattern and make it possible for people to communicate and create tribes that ensure strong relationships in tribal communities and their networks.
Global leaders and Elites possess strong Competitive Instincts in Subconsciousness because of the vigorous world competition. Therefore, rulers articulate constant Global Variables to control and sustain ownership interests for affiliated corporations. The Competitive World perpetuates a high level of competition in Social Contexts. The Survival Instinct of man in a vulnerable competitive environment is called the Network of Competitive Instinct for competitiveness and the Network of Cooperative Instinct for seeking optimal tribes with genuine relationships. An optimal tribe can handle chaotic situations in competitive environments. Individuals who identify an optimal tribe would ensure life security and harmonious balance in Consciousness. Organized tribes may generate side effects by competing with isolated corporations and individuals in Social Contexts so that tribalism can aggravate and modify Global Competition.

Corporations can create a competitive advantage by establishing a tribal structure within the system platforms because employees have sincere attitudes toward leaders.
Tribal Cultures build a social structure based on leader perspectives, and members are isolated from competitive advantages.
Isolated Systems without a joint Social Structure can generate complexity in Global and Community Networks.


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