Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Assessing the Aggressiveness Level of Instinct Networks

This study explores how aggressive instincts form networks within the "Network of Competitive Instincts" to respond to the Survival Instinct. These instinctual networks function to create closed-loop conditions within the Subconscious Component. By integrating instincts and constructing these networks, algorithmic codes can be generated beyond the influence of the Belief System and Iceberg Cells. The Subconscious Component's data clusters can merge with Logical Data from the Conscious Component for final analysis, preparing the decision-making map for code execution. However, aggressive codes outside the Network of Competitive Instincts do not align with the Logical Data of the Conscious Component. Since the Logical Data sets ethical boundaries, aggressive algorithmic codes are executed immediately to satisfy the Survival Instinct. As a result, the decision-making map lacks rational codes, focusing instead on preserving individuals entangled with complexity from the domain of old open-loop cycles.  
This dynamic phenomenon can drive individuals to the edge of danger, mainly when prominent decision-makers are involved. A decision-making map devoid of rational codes risks self-destruction, and in these scenarios, influential decision-makers may eliminate essential social contexts along life's evolutionary path. (See Figures 1 and 2.)
Assessing the Aggressiveness Level of Instinct Networks
The Instinct Component within the Subconscious contains many instincts, potentially numbering billions. These instincts can be categorized into three main types:
  1. General Instinct
  2. Genetic Instinct
  3. Gender Instinct
This study focuses specifically on general instincts within the Instinct Component. These instincts are allocated with activated/ dormant or activated instincts that are not permanently assigned to specific networks.
External environment conditions influence the aggressiveness level of instinct networks within the broader Competitive Instinct framework, the structure of the Ego framework, and the domain of old open-loop instinctual cycles that challenge human survival. Humans who live in harsher environmental contexts need more antagonistic and aggressive instincts of networks within the Network of Competitive Instincts for survival.
Figure 2 proposes a hypothesis involving five different instinct networks (labeled a, p, x, y, z), each containing varying degrees of aggressive instincts. These networks are thought to respond to the Survival Instinct signals to shift into a closed-loop mode. However, the exact strength and influence of these assumption instinct networks are unknown, making it difficult to predict how aggressive elements within the networks might alter decision-making processes. (See Figures 1 and 2.)
Based on the observational study conducted on December 10 and 18, 2023, along with earlier research, The Paradox of Human Life and Simulation Theory proposes that decision-making patterns can be mapped through algorithmic models that extend beyond the Subconscious Component level. The instance algorithmic codes can resonate with specific frequencies that influence global consciousness. The entity referred to as the "Supervisor of Global Consciousness" governs the universal logical principles that shape both global consciousness and human evolution, guiding life along a predetermined evolutionary trajectory. (see Figure 3)

In recent years, advancements in scientific research and the expansion of open knowledge have strengthened the structural foundations of the Superego within social contexts while weakening the Ego's role in the Subconscious Component. This shift has led to the Superego taking on a more dominant and complex form, characterized by fuzzy algorithmic codes extending beyond the Ego boundaries. As a result, the potential for balanced dialogue between the Ego and the Superego has diminished, hindering the production of Logical Data within the Conscious Component.
One of humanity's fundamental roles is to generate logical codes that enable individuals to navigate and address social complexities throughout their evolutionary journey. The Supervisor of Global Consciousness plays a pivotal role in this process, transferring algorithmic codes to influential decision-makers who, in turn, establish Global Variables in various environmental contexts, often leading to chaotic situations. To overcome these challenges, humans must tap into advanced knowledge that transcends the Superego Framework. By doing so, they can create new Logical Data and guide in a new era of understanding and problem-solving.



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