Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Algorithmic Codes Beyond Quantum Consciousness

This transdisciplinary research investigates the general patterns of external vibrational frequencies that extend beyond the Conscious and Subconscious Components. Through a prospective observational study, it explores how instance source codes within these components encapsulate, synchronize, and execute before shaping a Decision-Making Map and influencing social behaviors within environmental contexts.
An experimental study employs the black box testing method to examine instance source codes beyond the logical aspects of the Conscious Component. The study leverages fundamental principles of artificial intelligence through systems theory to evaluate the reliability of these source codes.
The brain mechanism framework processes incoming data streams (external input) from environmental contexts through various sensory channels. These inputs are processed sequentially through the Instinct Component, Memory Component, Superego/Ego, and the Logical part of the Conscious Component. Finally, the Conscious Compiler executes the processed data, generating the Decision-Making Map as an output.
Inputs of Subconscious Mechanism
Algorithmic sequential parameters, beyond the frequency of the social domain, are articulated and released into actions through multiple actors, among others, by Systems Owners. The brain absorbs these sequential parameters from social contexts through various sensory channels.
Algorithmic frequencies and electrical signals (codes) travel via the optic nerve and the Centralized Nervous System, carrying information to the brain. Brain inputs are accumulated data sets processed through the brain’s sensory mechanisms.
The subconscious mechanism operates as a regulated process in which brain inputs modify a collection of algorithmic codes. These modifications are transmitted to the conscious mechanism through chemical signal processing. Alterations can impact the following functional algorithmic codes within the Subconscious/Conscious Components:
1-The Instinct Component: Preprogrammed algorithmic codes encapsulate beyond instincts in the conceptual component.
2-Dialogue between Superego and Ego: Shifting the harmonic balance between the two modes.
3-Conscious Component: Harmonic balance in the domain of logical data.
Brain inputs adjust the Instinct Component, leading to new active or inactive modes. Modifications within the Instinct Component can initiate an open-loop cycle for distinct instincts, setting the system into a processing mode that seeks closed-loop stability within a specific time interval.
A prolonged delay in the feedback loop within a single instance may result in an Old Open-loop Condition, where outdated reference codes (Ref-Codes) compile in the Instinct and Memory Components. The domain of the old open loop cycle of instinct is a starvation mode or deadlock character for instinct.
The persistence of an Old Open-loop Instinct can lead to a self-perpetuating cycle driven by either the complexity of instinctual operations or the intricate relationship between the Superego and Ego framework.

Dialogue Between the Superego and Ego Structure
The Superego and ego’s structural properties can shift when brain inputs modify the characteristics of instincts. These adjustments can initiate newly activated or inactivated instincts within the Instinct Component.
When instability arises between the Superego and Ego during their dialogue, the Connectivity Mode between the Subconscious and Conscious Components is disrupted. This disruption weakens the harmonic balance within the Conscious Component, reducing its ability to maintain coherence. Conversely, stability between the Superego and Ego structure supports the characteristics of Iceberg Cells, a sustainable connection between the Subconscious and Conscious Components.
Consolidation within Iceberg Cells enhances brain input processing, optimizing data integration within the Conscious Mechanism. Frequency vibrations and harmonic balance actively shape data within brain inputs, as processed through the Brain Sensor and Centralized Nervous System.
An Optimal Harmonic Balance in Iceberg Cells facilitates the continuous transmission of signals to the Instinct Component, the Superego/Ego, and ensures efficient cognitive and behavioral functioning. However, suboptimal conditions can obstruct the Connectivity Mode, impairing the system’s overall coherence and adaptability.
The Conscious Mechanism
An Optimal Harmonic Balance within Iceberg Cells facilitates and sustains the seamless processing of data from the Subconscious Component into the Conscious Component. Subconscious data processing integrates with key parameters, including the modules of the Logical part of Consciousness, Memory Components, and Belief System. The outcome of this integration ensures the execution of processes within the Subconscious Compiler.
Subconscious Compiler
Data processing within the Conscious Component extends and transmits to the Subconscious Compiler, where the final execution occurs. The outcome of this processing enables the Brain Framework to interpret fundamental insights, forming the basis for Decision-Making Maps.
The default source codes within the units of the Subconscious Component are dynamically adjusted, encapsulating algorithmic codes through multiple interaction cycles with the constitutional system (global variables) embedded in social systems. Meanwhile, the Conscious Component, comprising global elites and influential decision-makers, articulates the structural codes of the Competitive World, shaping and defining the source codes of global variables. 
Quantum Consciousness and the Evolution of Source Codes
The Quantum Consciousness hypothesis suggests that multiple algorithmic codes from unknown external forces interact and synchronize with various Conscious Components and environmental contexts, forming a conceptual domain through vibrational frequencies. The outcome of algorithmic code circumstances can shape human life on the evolutionary path.
Quantum Consciousness functions as the hidden processing of algorithmic codes from external vibrational forces, interfacing with the Conscious Component of influential decision-makers within global communities. These algorithmic codes alter the Conscious and Subconscious Components’ characteristics and respective instance domains, generating new dataset model features.
Through this modification process, novel algorithms emerge and are transmitted to the Conscious Component of elites who exist beyond the Competitive World and Systems Owners through vibrational frequencies. These alterations influence algorithmic structures beyond the Conscious and Subconscious Components of Systems Owners and their partners. As a result, a new dataset model of algorithms materializes, shaping the architecture of global variables to exert control over and influence sustainability within social contexts.
Vibrational frequencies, operating through Quantum Consciousness, transmute algorithmic codes into a newly structured dataset model embedded within inhabitants’ frameworks of Consciousness/ Subconsciousness. The mainstream media serves as a conduit for this transformation, facilitating the dissemination of these algorithmic codes.
Within environmental contexts, individuals possess a decision-making map composed of algorithmic Quantum Consciousness codes and then feedback algorithmic codes of their Conscious Components to surroundings by social behaviors. These algorithmic source codes’ continuous integration and accumulation collectively construct a broader Quantum Consciousness system. This system quantum development operates through the following source code cycles: 

1-Reception and Encoding: Algorithmic codes from external vibrational forces encapsulate and encode Conscious/Subconscious Components into influential decision-makers.
2-Modification and Integration: These codes modify existing cognitive structures, forming new dataset model features.
3-Algorithmic Expansion: The transformed dataset generates novel algorithms, which are then distributed among influential elites and systems owners.
4-Structural Implementation: The newly formed algorithmic structures shape global variables that regulate and influence sustainability within social contexts.
5-Transmission through Media: Vibrational frequencies convert algorithmic codes into mainstream narratives, embedding them into collective Consciousness.
6-Decision-Making Influence: Individuals interact with and internalize these codes, integrating them into their decision-making frameworks.
7-Accumulation and Evolution: These codes accumulate across populations and enhance the Quantum Consciousness system, driving continuous evolution and transformation of global algorithmic control structures.
Quantum Consciousness perpetuates the dynamic evolution of algorithmic codes through these cyclical processes, continually influencing decision-making paradigms and sustainability frameworks within human societies. Quantum Consciousness can operate and be interpreted partially through the following pattern definitions of source code cycles:

Source Code 1: Origin and Implementation
Source Code 1 is generated by the Conscious Component of Systems Owners and their instance entities. Systems Owners implement Source Code 1 through the Constitutional System, which is executed within social contexts. The output of this execution contributes to the formation of Social Codes (Source Code 2), which emerge and evolve within social environments.
Source Code 2: Social Evolution and Interdependence
As Source Code 2 develops within the framework of Social Evolution, it remains fundamentally dependent on Source Code 1. This interdependence ensures that Source Code 2 is shaped by and contributes to the refinement of Source Code 1.
Source Code 2 penetrates human sensory systems and, is absorbed by the brain structure and extended to the Subconscious Component through vibrational frequencies; Source Code 2 interacts with internal resources, leading to the emergence of Source Code 3. This new code operates as an input for the Conscious Component, facilitated by the Subconscious Mechanism. Like its predecessor, Source Code 3 maintains an interdependent relationship with Source Code 2.
Source Code 3: Processing in the Conscious Component
Source Code 3 is processed within the logical part of the Conscious Component, utilizing all available resources. The outputs of logical resource mappings are executed by the Subconscious Compiler, leading to the generation of Source Code 4. This final code is processed through the Conscious Component and serves as the Registration Code for the Decision-Making Map (see Fig. 1).
Source Code 4 and Quantum Consciousness
The logical structure of Source Code 4, in combination with the Subconscious Compiler, defines the concept of Quantum Consciousness. These components manage data analysis from Iceberg Cells and optimize outcome data processing from the Instinct Component.
The Logical part of the Conscious Component processes and manages self-contained data within the following subcomponents:
1-Fantasy Generator: Responsible for scenario simulation, predictive modeling, and conceptual imagination.
2-Component of Data Analysis: Facilitates structured evaluation, pattern recognition, and logical processing.
3-Ref-Storage (Reference Subcomponent): A repository for encoded experiences, insights, and historical data integration can function for new inputs and comparative analysis with past encoded experiences, insights, and knowledge.
Control and Execution Mechanisms within the Conscious Component
The controller within the logical part of the Conscious Component facilitates the sharing of Source Code 3 for management among various subcomponents (Secondary Storage). When the Component of Data Analysis requires action, the controller retrieves relevant data by calling the Memory Component (Primary Storage) via Ref-Storage within the Logical part of Consciousness.
A Unique Reference Code within the Component of Data Analysis allows retrieval of specific data, such as gene function, from the Memory Component into the Logical part of the Conscious Component (see Fig. 2).
Fantasy Generator and Intuitive Thinking
The Fantasy Generator operates with the Component of Data Analysis, refining and generating intuitive thinking patterns over time. This long-term relationship enables operative mechanisms to enhance cognitive creativity and strategic problem-solving.
While the Component of Data Analysis moderates complexity, it also promotes Rational Thinking, integrating transmitted codes from Iceberg Cells (see Fig. 2).
Memory Component and Data Management
The Memory Component (Primary Data Storage) is responsible for managing:

1-Short-Term Memory.

2-Long-Term Memory.

3-Operative mechanisms beyond Ref-Codes, as called by the Logical part of the Conscious Component.

The Memory Component retains associated data and provides requested information to the Component of Data Analysis, following data in the predefined Ref-Code protocols. Controllers within the Memory Component and the Centralized Nervous System oversee and monitor related data retrieval.
For instance, an activated Ref-Code within the Fantasy Generator can trigger the retrieval of associated data from the Memory Component, facilitating distinct operations within the Logical part of the Conscious Component (see Fig. 2).
Centralized Nervous System as a Hierarchical Transmitter
The Centralized Nervous System functions as a Hierarchical Transmitter (Super-Class Constructor) and acts as a proxy channel linking the Conscious Component, Subconscious Component, and Common Subcomponents. It enables seamless Signal Processing Algorithms between the Conscious/ Subconscious Components and the physical body. (see Fig. 2).
The Conscious Compiler is crucial in interpreting Signal Processing Algorithms and can instantiate Rational Frequency Signals within the Decision-Making Map. As an Annex Component to the Logical part of the Conscious Component, the Conscious Compiler executes Source Code 3 (Analytical Outputs) derived from logical processing (see Fig. 2).
Memory Reference Code and Logical Addressing
A Memory Reference Code within the Logical part of the Conscious Component enables logical access to the Memory Component via instance inferences. The Logical Component registers a new Reference Code for future operations, allowing:
1-Instance Reference Codes to be traced by instance units.
2-Associated Ref-Codes within the Memory Component must be identified in all Subconscious/ Conscious Components units. (see Fig. 2).
Algorithmic Adaptation and Data Processing within the Brain Framework
Brain sensors absorb and process external global constitutional parameters, environmental contexts, social codes, and vice versa, algorithmic internal centralized nervous system codes within the Subconscious Component through vibrational frequencies. These algorithmic inputs are adjusted, refined, and transformed through brain inputs from external and internal domains, developing new character codes.
The modified algorithmic codes (New Character Codes) then serve as input for the Conscious Component, where they integrate with existing internal resources. It serves as input from the brain framework to the physical body.
Data Integration and Processing in the Conscious Component
Within the Conscious Component, input data is merged with default internal resources, triggering the Integration Data Model to the domain of logical data and instances.
1-Instantiate new data features in submodules of Conscious Component.
2-Roll back modifications between the Conscious and Subconscious components when necessary.
Standard characters of subcomponents within the Conscious Component provide a repository of Source Codes, while primary internal resources retrieve and execute these codes for various operations. (Fig. 3, 4)
Memory Component and Code Registration
The Memory Component is critical in processing and perpetuating algorithmic codes by interacting with the following submodules:

1-The Superego Adjuster within Social Contexts.

2-The Instinct Component is encapsulated within the Subconscious Component.

3-The Superego/Ego structure and the domain of Iceberg Cells.

4-The domain of the Old Open-Loop Cycle of instincts (starvation mode).



Data Integration and Processing in the Conscious Component
Within the Conscious Component, input data is merged with default internal resources, triggering the Integration Data Model to the domain of logical data and instances.
1-Instantiate new data features in submodules of Conscious Component.
2-Roll back modifications between the Conscious and Subconscious components when necessary.
Standard characters of subcomponents within the Conscious Component provide a repository of Source Codes, while primary internal resources retrieve and execute these codes for various operations. (Fig. 3, 4)
Memory Component and Code Registration
The Memory Component is critical in processing and perpetuating algorithmic codes by interacting with the following submodules:

1-The Superego Adjuster within Social Contexts.

2-The Instinct Component within Subconscious Component.

3-The Superego/Ego structure and the domain of Iceberg Cells.

4-The domain of the Old Open-Loop Cycle of instincts (starvation mode).

Instance Ref-Codes register in specific brain components based on their function:
1-Perception-related Ref-Codes are stored within Iceberg Cells.
2-Belief codes, Opinion-related Ref-Codes, and wishes to create codes are stored within the Logical part of the Conscious Component.
3-Old Open-Loop-related Ref-Codes are registered within the Instinct Component.
Additionally, the Superego Adjuster, which encompasses knowledge and experiences from real-world interactions, is directly stored within the Memory Component. (Fig 3, 4)





1. Brain Structure and Functional Focus
The functional human brain is conceptually divided into two main sections:

1.1-Electrochemical Circuits (Brain Software) represent an instance of the  Conscious Component.

1.2-Biological Structure (Brain Hardware) represents the physical body, which was eliminated during the research project.

1.3- This study exclusively focuses on the Electrochemical Part of the Brain framework, examining its logical inferences and preprocessing mechanisms within the Conscious/ Subconscious Components.

2. Decision-Making and Harmonic Balance

2.1-Source Code 3 undergoes processing through Conscious Mechanisms only when a Harmonic Balance exists between the Superego and Ego.

2.2-If Harmonic Balance is absent, the Decision-Making Map remains under the control of the Subconscious Component.

2.3-Optimal Decision-Making is achieved when Source Code 3 is allocated efficiently within the Logical Data of the Conscious Component.

3. Role of the Centralized Nervous System
3.1-The Centralized Nervous System is a coordinating entity managing the transition of Source Codes between the Conscious/ Subconscious Components and the Brain structure.
4. The Activation of the Forgiveness Instinct

4.1-A stable Harmonic Balance in the Conscious Component can stimulate and activate the Forgiveness Instinct within the Subconscious Component.

4.2-Activation of the Forgiveness Instinct triggers other associated instincts within the Subconscious Component, including:

4.2.1-The Compassionate Instinct.

4.2.2- The Self-Awareness Instinct.

5. The Impact of Old Open Loops on Decision-Making

5.1-Multiple Old Open-Loops can reduce Harmonic Balance within the Subconscious Component.

5.2-Low Harmonic Balance negatively affects:

5.2.1-Decision-Making Models

5.2.2-Social Behavior Patterns

6. The Formation of Beliefs and Perceptions

6.1-Beliefs emerge from a strong Superego Adjuster/Superego framework.

6.2-The instance parameter of Belief influences:

6.2.1-Logical Inferences are allocated within the Component of Data Analysis.

6.2.2-Decision-Making Patterns.

6.3-Beliefs as a submodule in the Subconscious Component are encoded in the Memory Component through Instance Inferences within the Logical Data of the Conscious Component.
6.4-Perceptions arise from the interaction between Social Contexts and the Brain Sensory Components.
6.5-Perceptions are stored as codes in the Memory Component via Instance Inference within the Superego/Ego framework.
7. The Energetic Instinct and Social Behavior Regulation

7.1-The Energetic Instinct modulate is an instance of the Ego/Superego framework, exerting control over algorithmic patterns within the following unit:

7.1.1-Decision-Making Map.

8. Goodwill and Decision-Making Patterns

8.1-Optimal Harmonic Balance in the Conscious Component can facilitate and simplify the execution of Source Code 3.

8.2-Goodwill is added as an Instance Parameter in the Decision-Making Map.

9. Consistency in Social Behaviors and System Operations

9.1-Genuine Consistency Indicates a harmonic balance within a designated Biological/ Non-Biological Systems:

9.1.2-Social Behavior refers to harmonic balance within the Conscious Component.

9.1.3-System operations refer to harmonic balance within design structure/ blueprints.

9.1.4-Organizational Structures refer to strategic protocols beyond system performances.

9.1.5 Interpersonal dynamics refers to harmonic balance when treating internal and external resources.

9.2-inconsistencies suggest a complicated algorithmic code within global variables and  in the system platform, which generate the following complexities:

9.2.1-Low Harmonic Balance in Operational Domains.

9.2.2-Complexity within System Allocation Resources.

10. Brain Activity and Sleep Cycles

10.1-During sleep, the following brain components may become inactive:

10.1.1-Old Open-Loops.





11. Quantum Consciousness and External Forces

11.1-External Forces and Internal Attributes shape Quantum Consciousness within the Conscious and Subconscious Components.

11.2-These elements continuously modify one another, leading to alterations in:

11.2.1-Consciousness properties can change.

11.2.2-Instance properties of the Brain Mechanisms may alter the physical body.

11.2.3-Social Contexts would generate complexity among Biological Systems.

11.2.4-Unique social context properties further adjust external forces and internal attributes, ensuring the perpetual evolution of properties in subsequent cycles.


1-Belief codes within the Memory Component (Primary Storage) remain active.

2-The Belief system, active Instance Ref-Codes can reactivate and instantiate the above components upon waking.

3-If active components persist during sleep, they may interrupt sleep quality, as brain resources require optimization tasks while most other resources are inactive.


This study's graphics show the flow of algorithmic codes of quantum consciousness, which systems owners initiate.


The paradox of attributes in Quantum Consciousness, within environmental contexts, plays a pivotal role in shaping the manifestation of emotional experiences throughout life’s evolutionary journey. An observational study suggests that activating the Network of Competitive Instincts within Conscious/ Subconscious Components of influential decision-makers can entangle hidden algorithmic codes embedded in hierarchical layers, potentially leading to profound confusion and disruption in the extended continuation of Global Quantum Consciousness.
Two essential factors influence the algorithmic nature of Global Quantum Consciousness. The first is the number of Conscious Components engaged in quantum entanglement throughout the universe. The second is the degree of value discrepancy among these Conscious Components; a higher level of contradiction suggests the presence of unresolved open-loop cycles within decision-making maps. Conversely, a more remarkable similarity in algorithmic codes beyond individual Conscious Components signifies a state of harmonic balance, both among the Conscious Components themselves and within the entirety of Global Quantum Consciousness.



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