Friday, June 2, 2017

Past Episodes of Satisfaction within Conscious Component

This Transdisciplinary Research generally focuses on how Past Episodes of Satisfaction data memory in the Conscious Component can modify an old Open-loop Instinct and eventually establish a Holistic Decision-Making Pattern. The observational study explored the Black Box Testing method for scrutinizing complex Inputs within an active single Instinct Framework in an operational mode.
A single Old open-loop Instance is one of the vital issues in the Decision-Making Map because it adjusts functional mechanisms and guidelines within the Instinct Component. Open-loop Instinct Mode appears within the Instinct Component because either the Superego is stronger than Ego or Society can encapsulate by complicated Parameters. Specific Global parameters (Economic/ Social Regulations) can hinder instance parameters within Instinctual Needs. 
Complexities in the real world can adopt the Superego and Ego Framework through their instance parameters. An Old Open-loop Instinct would present in the Instinct Component when feedback mechanisms within the Open-loop run out of a specific time interval for performing Closed-loop operation. Open-loop Mode in this stage can remain in austerity conditions. Therefore, the Closed-loop process is incapable of feedback and satisfying Instinctual Needs.
Closed-loop Deception within a single Instinct can also be an issue in Decision-Making Map. Operational Modes can justify neither specific criteria nor algorithms for running correct Closed-loop operations. Besides, the Non-uniform harmonic balance can present between the Superego and Ego Framework. Non-uniformity prevents the involvement of the Logical Part of the Conscious Component in the Decision-Making Process.
A single Instinct in operational Mode (processing) focuses on feedback and satisfies even False Instinctual Needs when the Ego is stronger than the Superego Framework. Instinctual needs can create and run False Satisfaction Mode. Harmonic Balance and Conscious Component modify by instance parameters of False Satisfaction Mode. A designated map that belongs to specific Past Episodes of False Satisfaction can instantiate within the Memory Component. It focuses on executing an iterative cycle of Closed-loop Deception for False Instinctual Needs. 
(Fig 1) (Fig 7)  

An active signal in the Open-loop condition can search for an Affordable Solution Key for Closed-loop Mode. It targets Iceberg Cells through the Feedback Control System and Consciousness. Iceberg Cells can hardly promote any Affordable Solution Key if Harmonic Balance does not prevail between Superego and Ego Framework. Consequently, the Logical Part of Consciousness does not encapsulate Normal Closed-loop Mode. (Fig 2)
An open-loop signal can initiate a search to find an Affordable Solution Key for Closed-loop Mode within the Conscious Component. Possible Associated Past Episodes of Satisfaction within the Memory Component can transfer to Input. Instance parameters of Input focus on improving Disturbance within Open-loop Instinct and running iterative Closed-loop procedures. It implies that a designated map that belongs to specific Past Episodes of False Satisfaction can instantiate within the Conscious Component. It targets to execute an instruction for Closed-loop Deception through many phases on the evolutionary path of life. Harmonic Balance in Consciousness adopts the Closed-loop signal.  (Fig 2)
A single Normal Closed-loop Instinct Model can maximize the optimal Decision-Making Process because of the uniform harmonic balance between the Superego and Ego Framework. 
An equivalence relation holds between the Superego and Ego Framework within the Iceberg-Cell. Besides, the Logical Part of Consciousness can involve Normal Coordination Algorithms (Rational Code Model). The operational posture can justify specific criteria and algorithms for running correct Closed-loop operations. Eventually, Normal Closed-loop can correctly satisfy Instinctual Needs according to optimal queries and instructions within the Instinct Component. (Fig 3)(Fig 6) 
In a worst-case scenario, Past Episodes of Truth Satisfaction within the Conscious Component may generate a Normal Closed-loop when the Logical Part of Consciousness cannot identify an Affordable Solution Key for optimal Closed-loop Instinct. (Fig 3)(Fig 6)
The long-term Old Open-loop Instinct can develop Algorithm Disturbance. It would reconstruct the Decision-Making Process. At this juncture, Defense Mechanisms of Instinct and their functions can Call and Activate Survival Instinct for Closed-loop Deception Mode. Old Open-loop conditions can impose parameter constraints by Survival Instinct through transferring a signal and Registered Code within Consciousness. Instance parameters to designated Past Episodes of Satisfaction can be identified and modified by apprehension to diminish the Superego’s capacities and restrict its instance parameters within the Iceberg Cells for possible Closed-loop Deception Mode.
(Fig 4) (Fig 7)
Past Episodes of Satisfaction can generate two algorithmic functions within the Iceberg Cell and a functional mechanism within the Logical part of the Conscious Component. Instinctual Needs depend on the coordination algorithm within the Conscious Component when the Superego is equivalent to Past Episodes of Satisfaction plus the Ego Framework. According to the following statements, instinctual Needs can be either Open-loop or Closed-loop within Iceberg Cells. (Fig 4)
1- Past Episodes of Satisfaction
2- Superego  
3- Ego

An Old Open-loop Mode with high-intensity power and rigorous austerity drive called Survival Instinct for Closed-loop Deception Mode. Survival Instinct can impose constraints on Old Open-loop Mode. Survival Instinct seeks an Affordable Solution Code within Conscious Component for generating Closed-loop Deception Mode. 
(Fig 5) (Fig 7)   




An Open-loop Instinct is inevitable if the Subconscious Component allocates a Strong Superego and the Associated Past Episodes of Satisfaction in Consciousness turn to a blank.
According to an observational study, converting an Old open-loop Instance to a Closed-loop Mode is impossible when the Subconscious Component allocates a Strong Superego. Besides, Associated Past Episodes of Satisfaction in the Conscious Component turn to a blank. Furthermore, Coordination Mechanisms beyond Social Contexts may restrict Instinctual Needs from environmental feedback. It implies that there would be no operations for satisfying Instinctual Needs from real nature.
One of the vital Human Missions on the earth is sustaining Harmonic Balance in a dialog between the Superego and Ego Framework because Harmonized Iceberg cells can approve Consciousness in the Decision-Making Process.
Neither a vigorous Superego nor a forceful Ego can integrate with the Conscious Component. 
Specific algorithmic principles within the Logical Part of Consciousness develop mainly through the process of the following entities:

1-Superego Adjuster (Part of Social Environment)
2- Superego (Subconsciousness) 
3- Ego (Subconsciousness) 
4-Genetic Instinct 
5-Gender Instinct  
6- Memory Component (Subconsciousness)
According to an observational study, the Conscious Mechanisms and the algorithmic process model of solving problems pave the way for a full-scale deployment control of Human Life by the Super Natural Force.
Having a Strong Superego may not justify a competitive advantage for Humans because there would be a high risk of interrupted dialog between the Superego and Ego. Consequently, a Decision-Making Map would not encapsulate the Logical Data within the Conscious Component. The Supernatural Force scrutinizes the Parameters Dialog between the Superego and Ego Framework. The outcome of Parameter Dialog transfers to the Iceberg Cells, and it identifies how far humans can ignore or satisfy basic Instinctual Needs. The harmonic balance between the Superego and Ego Framework generates a signal and activates the Logical Part of Consciousness in the Decision-Making Process.
Multiple Old Open-loop Modes, a Single Old Open-loop Cycle, and an ineffective Ego can become more progressive than a vigorous Superego.
Multiple Old Open-loops / A Single Old Open-loop + Weak Ego > Vigorous Superego
A Single Old Open-loop + Past Satisfaction + Weak Ego > Vigorous Superego 
Past Satisfaction implies good old memory drives in the Conscious Component. Therefore, several Old Open-loop Cycles or a Single Old Open-loop within an Instinct Component can adjust and determine the Decision-Making Process. The Paradox of Conscious Mechanisms and Active Instincts can create complex outputs and contentious issues in Society. Eventually, lawmakers often face ethical dilemmas when their preferences and justifications for particular political strategies. The Hypothesis for this study would change major theoretical perspectives in Global Development Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminology.
Active Tame Instinct in the Subconsciousness of wild animals can ensure safe communication with them.
The Superego and Ego frameworks can align, activate, and trigger certain Instinct groups to set up specific emotions.  According to an observational study, the Superego aligns with the Cooperative Instinct and its instance Instincts. The Ego aligns with the Competitive Instinct and its instance Instincts.

Closed-loop Deception within the Instinct Component implies non-logical parameters involve Closed-loop operation. In other words, Parameters within the Logical Part of the conscious Component entangle hardly with Closed-loop Mode. It even suggests that non-uniform harmonic balance can present between Superego and Ego (Low Harmony). Recognition Mechanisms beyond The Logical Part of Consciousness rationalize instance parameters in the Decision-Making Process.

An Open-loop Instinct is inevitable if a Conscious Component allocates neither a Strong Superego nor Associated Past Episodes of Satisfaction show blank in the memory system.

Pursuing Truth Instinctual Needs implies a uniform harmonic balance between the Superego and Ego Framework. Besides, The Logical Part of Consciousness can involve a Decision-Making Process. However, the False Instinctual Needs imply a non-uniform harmonic balance between Superego and Ego. The Logical Part of the Conscious Component can only partially entangle the Decision-Making Process. 
The Memory Component saves the instinctual truth within the Conscious Component. Open-loop Instincts have three stages (Iterative Model) as follows:

In the first stage, The Open-loop Condition
Instinct Mechanism can establish Open-loop conditions and calls and seeks designated “Reference Code/ Past Episodes of Truth Satisfaction” within the Memory Component. 
The second stage, The Processing Condition
Instinct Mechanism search for Closed-loop through a Designated Reference Code within external environments for establishing Closed-loop conditions.
In the third stage, The Closed-loop Condition
The Reference Code detects optimal outcomes for establishing Closed-loop conditions through code execution within Instinct. Otherwise, the Reference Code calls for a new Open-loop Cycle in a specific time interval.







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