Thursday, March 30, 2017

Past Episodes of Satisfaction Reshape Social Behaviors

This transdisciplinary research explores how memory data from past episodes of satisfaction within the Conscious Component can influence an old open-loop cycle of instinct, eventually shaping a holistic decision-making pattern. The observational study applied the Black Box Testing method to examine complex algorithmic inputs within active single-instinct processing. This approach identifies repeatable errors in systematic operations beyond decision-making models, extending into the old open-loop instinct cycle within the Subconscious Component.
A previously processed single instinct, encapsulated within the domain of the old open-loop cycle, can act as an algorithmic risk factor when integrated into the decision-making map during future execution sessions because it alters functional mechanisms within the Instinct Component, impacting the decision-making process.
The old open-loop instinct processing mode emerges within the Instinct Component under two conditions: 
1-when the Superego structure is stronger than the Ego framework.
2-when environmental contexts contain complex algorithmic attributes. For instance, global variables in Social Contexts prevent and interfere with specific acts and behaviors. The third instinct processing cycle faces challenges when performing instinctual needs obstructed in the physical world. It implies signals from the part of the physical body transmit to the brain framework and extend to the Subconscious Component and designated instinct in open-loop conditions. In this stage, the return of algorithmic codes from the physical body can confirm a failure to perform instinctual needs to the designated cycle of instinct. Algorithmic codes with a label of failure performances transport to the domain of the old Open-loop cycle of instinct in defined time intervals. When this occurs, the open-loop mode persists and remains in austerity conditions or a deadlock process, preventing the closed-loop system from providing feedback to satisfy instinctual needs.

In some instances, complexities in physical reality can integrate algorithmic codes that extend beyond the Superego and Ego frameworks, influencing their operational mechanisms to achieve possible closed-loop conditions within designated instinct. Additionally, a non-uniform harmonic balance between the Superego and Ego framework can further disrupt the involvement of the Logical Part of the Conscious Component in the decision-making process.

When the Ego framework is stronger than the Superego, instinctual needs can create and sustain a False Satisfaction Mode. In such cases, an operational instinct prioritizes feedback to designated instinct in the Open-loop cycle of conditions, even if it satisfies false instinctual needs. This imbalance process modifies the harmonic balance and Conscious Components based on the parameters of False Satisfaction Mode. As a result, designated algorithmic codes can integrate with a set of parameters beyond past episodes of false satisfaction within the Memory Component. This map continuously executes an iterative cycle of closed-loop deception, reinforcing false instinctual needs. (Fig. 1, 7)

Affordable Solution Keys and Closed-Loop Deception

An active signal in the open-loop condition of instincts searches for an Affordable Solution Key to convoy codes into the Closed-loop mode through the Feedback Control System within the Subconscious Component. However, suppose algorithmic codes of global variables within social contexts constrain physical body actions in the third instinct processing cycle, and the harmonic balance between the Superego and Ego framework is not responding. In that case, the Iceberg Cells will struggle to generate an affordable solution key. As a result, the Logical Part of Consciousness fails to encapsulate the expected criteria for Closed-loop functionality in the Subconscious Component. (Fig. 2)
Algorithmic codes beyond the Survival Instinct can call for rescuing a designated instinct through algorithmic attributes beyond past episodes of satisfaction, which are stored within the Memory Component. Attributes of past episodes of satisfaction can mitigate disturbance in an open-loop cycle of instinct by iterative Closed-loop process. However, this also means a designated map associated with specific past episodes of satisfaction. The past episodes of satisfaction can carry and instantiate unethical algorithmic codes for closed-loop deception within the decision-making map multiple times on the evolutionary path of life within the Subconscious Component. (Fig. 2)



Default Closed-Loop Instinct and Decision-Making

A default Closed-Loop Instinct Model can enhance decision-making by maintaining a uniform harmonic balance between the Superego and Ego framework. The Iceberg Cells can create and promote an equivalence relation between these two components, allowing the Logical Part of the Conscious Component to engage default Coordination Algorithms (Rational Code Model). This operational stance ensures that specific criteria and algorithms are justified for executing accurate closed-loop functions. Consequently, the default Closed-Loop satisfies instinctual needs optimally, aligning with structured queries and instructions within the Instinct Component. (Fig. 3, 6)
In the worst-case scenario, The Survival Instinct can call for rescuing open-loop instincts with possible starvation mode by encapsulating Past Episodes of Truth Satisfaction, which contain ethical codes in the Memory Component, may generate and vibrate a default closed loop when the Logical Part of Consciousness fails to identify an Affordable Solution Key for achieving an optimal closed-loop instinct. (Fig. 3, 6)

The Role of Survival Instinct in Closed-Loop Deception

A prolonged Old Open-Loop Instinct can develop and contribute to the characteristics of Algorithmic Disturbance, leading to a restructuring of the decision-making process. At this stage, the defense mechanisms of the Instinct Component activate the Survival Instinct to initiate Closed-Loop Deception Mode. The persistence of old open-loop conditions allows the Survival Instinct to impose parameter constraints by transmitting signals to aggressive and competitive instincts for rescuing designated instincts within the Subconscious Component. The Survival Instinct can transfer request codes to the Truth/ False Past Episodes of satisfaction for rescuing instincts within the old open-loop cycle of the instinct domain.
The Past Episodes of Satisfaction characteristics can be identified as Closed-loop Deception or default Closed-loop conditions within the Subconscious Component. Such processing can influence algorithmic codes within the Iceberg Cells and the Logical Data in the Conscious Component. (Fig. 4, 7)

Algorithmic Functions Within Iceberg Cells

Past Episodes of Satisfaction generate two algorithmic functions within the Iceberg Cells while also influencing a functional mechanism within the Logical Part of the Conscious Component. Instinctual needs are regulated by a coordination algorithm within the Consciousness when the Superego structure is equivalent to the sum of Past Episodes of Satisfaction and the Ego Framework. Based on this relationship, instinctual needs can manifest in either an Open-Loop or Closed-Loop state within the Iceberg Cells. (Fig. 4)
The key elements influencing this process are encapsulated within algorithmic codes of the following units in the Subconscious Component:
1-Past Episodes of Satisfaction.
2-Superego Structure.
3-Ego Structure.
The Survival Instinct and Closed-Loop Deception

An Old Open-Loop Mode with high-intensity power and extreme austerity triggers the Survival Instinct to engage with a possible Closed-Loop Deception Mode. In this scenario, the Survival Instinct imposes constraint codes on the Old Open-Loop Mode while searching for Affordable Solution Codes within the Subconscious Component to facilitate Closed-Loop Deception Mode. The Survival Instinct is called the dynamic and aggressive instinct to establish Closed-loop conditions. (Fig. 5, 7)

Decision-making and Instinct Processing

Encryption algorithms within instincts and the Iceberg cells instantiate source codes within the decision-making map. In an ideal scenario, default choices encapsulate source codes within the harmonic balance between the Superego/Ego framework, peaceful instinct domains, allocated social norms, ethical logical key values in the Conscious Component, and conditional default from a single old open-loop instinct. (Fig. 6)



In a worst-case scenario, the decision-making map only encapsulates source codes within the aggressive Ego framework and multiple starvation codes in the domain of the old open-loop cycles of instincts. (Fig. 7)



1. The Role of the Superego Structure and False past episodes of satisfaction
An old open-loop cycle of instinct is inevitable in achieving closed-loop conditions if the Subconscious Component allocates a strong superego structure. At the same time, the associated algorithmic codes beyond false past episodes of satisfaction in the Conscious Component remain blank, implying that algorithmic codes of false past episodes are absent among logical codes.
False past episodes of satisfaction can be illegal behaviors in Social Contexts, and repeating the same actions becomes a long-term habit. False Past episodes of satisfaction suggest that the activated instinct was rescued and retrieved from the domain of the old open-loop instinct and executed within the decision-making map by bypassing logical data in the Conscious Component. However, the aggressive Ego structure, reinforced by the Network of Competitive Instinct, safeguards the execution code process within the decision-making map. This process is stored in the Memory Component, allowing the algorithmic codes from the last false satisfaction episode to be reshaped and repurposed to establish Closed-loop conditions in the Subconscious Component. Besides, in similar circumstances, the aggressive Ego structure with Competitive Instincts can be allocated and supported to future execution codes of false past episodes of satisfaction within the decision-making map.

2. Constraints on Open-Loop to Closed-Loop Conversion

An observational study indicates that converting an old open-loop instinct into a closed-loop mode is impossible under the following conditions:
        2.1- The Subconscious Component enforces a strong Superego and fuzzy Ego structure.

2.2- The algorithmic codes beyond associated past episodes of satisfaction in the Conscious Component turn blank space, which implies that algorithmic codes beyond past episodes of satisfaction were not approved before achieving closed-loop conditions.

2.3-Constant coordination of regulatory mechanisms beyond global variables in social contexts restricts instinctual needs from receiving environmental feedback, preventing the fulfillment of fundamental instinctual drives.
 3. Harmonic Balance and Conscious Decision-Making

A critical human mission on earth is to sustain harmonic balance (the default functional dialogue) between the Superego and Ego structure. When harmonic Iceberg Cells emerge, they validate algorithmic codes beyond the Consciousness functional process in the decision-making maps, fostering logical data formation. Neither a dominant Superego nor an overpowering Ego can effectively integrate and change attributes beyond the Conscious Component.

4. Development of Algorithmic Principles in Consciousness

Specific algorithmic principles can be established and promoted within the domain of the Logical Part of Consciousness primarily developed through interactions between the following entities:
  1. Superego Adjuster (a regulatory force within the social environment)
  2. Superego (Subconsciousness)
  3. Ego (Subconsciousness)
  4. Genetic Instinct
  5. Gender Instinct
  6. Memory Component (Subconsciousness)
5. Algorithmic Problem-Solving and Supernatural Oversight

According to an observational study, the algorithmic model for solving problems and creating wishes and goals within logical data in the Conscious Component may facilitate a full-scale deployment of control for human life, and a Supernatural Force can supervise the creation of actions.

6. Superego Strength and Competitive Disadvantage

A strong Superego does not necessarily provide a competitive advantage for humans. Instead, it increases the likelihood of an interrupted dialogue between the Superego and Ego, preventing the Decision-Making Map from encapsulating logical data within the Conscious Component. The Supernatural Force scrutinizes the parameter dialogue between the Superego and Ego frameworks and its outcome in the domain of Iceberg Cells. The outcome of dialogue reveals how humans prioritize or neglect basic instinctual needs. A harmonic balance between these frameworks generates a signal that activates the Logical Part of Consciousness in decision-making maps.

7. The Progression of Open-Loop Conditions and Instinct Regulation
Multiple old open-loop modes and a weak Ego structure can exert more influence in algorithmic codes within the decision-making map than a vigorous Superego:

Multiple Old Open-Loops / Past episodes Satisfaction + Weak Ego > Vigorous Superego
Single Old Open-Loop + Past episodes Satisfaction + Weak Ego > Vigorous Superego

True/False Past episodes of satisfaction represent positive memory drives within the Memory Component. The presence of several old open-loop cycles or a single open-loop within the Instinct Component can shape algorithmic codes and create distinct Decision-Making Processes. The paradox in algorithmic codes beyond the Conscious Component and the characteristics of Iceberg Cells present in complex societal outcomes, often leading to ethical dilemmas for lawmakers navigating political strategies. This hypothesis could shift major theoretical perspectives in Global Development Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminology.

7.1- Active/ Inactive instincts and algorithmic codes of their functionalities in the Instinct Component can create a unique algorithmic code in the Subconscious/ Conscious Component. Similar to distinct fingerprints for humans. The likelihood of two people sharing identical configurations of fingerprints is less than one in 64 billion.

8. Instinctual Communication and Wild Animals

An active tame instinct within the Subconscious Component of wild animals can facilitate safe communication with them. A single instinct can determine the social behaviors of Biological Systems in their surroundings.

9. Instinctual Networks and Emotional Activation

The Superego and Ego frameworks align, activate, and trigger specific instinct groups to shape emotional responses regularly. Observational studies suggest that:

9.1-The Superego structure aligns with the Network of Cooperative Instincts and their corresponding instance instincts.

9.2-The Ego structure aligns with the Network of Competitive Instincts and their associated instance instincts.

10. Closed-Loop Deception and Non-Logical Parameters

Closed-loop deception within the Instinct Component suggests and classifies the potential involvement of non-logical parameters in achieving a Closed-loop operation. In this scenario:

10.1- Parameters within the Logical Part of the Conscious Component are primarily excluded from the Closed-loop process when default preprogramming codes run beyond various units in the Subconscious/ Conscious Component.

10.2- A non-uniform harmonic balance (low harmony) between the Superego and Ego structures may be present beyond algorithmic codes within the decision-making map.

10.3- Recognition Mechanisms outside the Logical Part of the Conscious Component can rationalize, highlight, and contribute to instance algorithmic codes beyond conceptualizing the decision-making map.

11. Inevitability of Open-Loop Instincts

An open-loop instinct is inevitable when the Conscious Component lacks both:

11.1- A strong Superego structure.
11.2- Absent of algorithmic codes of associated past episodes of satisfaction in the memory system.
11.3- Hostile and wicked global variables prevent the physical part of the human body from acting efficiently to feedback instinctual needs. The open-loop instinct can sustain and extend to the old open-loop instinct cycle domain.
 12. Truth vs. False Instinctual Needs and Harmonic Balance

12.1- Pursuing Truth Instinctual Needs implies a uniform harmonic balance between the Superego and Ego Framework, allowing algorithmic codes of the Logical Part of Consciousness to participate in the decision-making map. Truth Instinctual Needs can contain ethical variables, transparency data rules, and guidance.

12.2- False Instinctual Needs imply a non-uniform harmonic balance, where the Logical Part of the Conscious Component is partially excluded from decision-making patterns. Non-uniform harmony confirms that the dynamic Ego structure exists and that the Superego Framework is weak. The Memory Component can contain false algorithmic codes of past episodes of satisfaction.

Three Identical Stages of Processing Cycles
The default pre-programmed algorithmic codes beyond a single instinct mechanism can ensure functionalities of three identical stages of processing cycles of instincts (Iterative Model) as follows:

In the first stage, The Open-loop Condition
Stimuli in Social Contexts transmit signals to the Subconscious Component through the brain sensors. Designated instinct can activate open-loop conditions and transmit back signals to the brain framework.

The second stage, The Processing Condition
The second processing cycle implies that the brain structure transmits signals and extends to the physical body to perform specific actions in physical realities. Achievement of a task transmits a signal to a designated part of the physical body.

In the third stage, The Closed-loop Condition
The third processing cycle implies signals from the part of the physical body to the brain framework and extends to the Subconscious Component and designated instinct in open-loop conditions. It implies that the instinct requirement may be achieved in social contexts or must be determined in other ways to establish performances in the next cycle. The physical part of the body can call designated instinct in open-loop processing for the closed-loop condition when the physical part of the body achieves tasks in physical realities.
The Memory Component communicates algorithmic codes of instinctual truth and falsehood with the domain of the Old Open-loop Instinct when the Survival Instinct activates rescuing instincts in a starvation deadlock. Similarly, it shares algorithmic codes of Past Episodes of Satisfaction with the domain of the Old Open-loop cycle of instincts.

Humans must activate their innate instincts throughout their lifetime to navigate physical realities, acquire diverse experiences, and generate logical data within the Conscious Component. This process enhances their understanding of fundamental concepts such as family and communication skills with people. For instance, paternal and maternal instincts play a crucial role in shaping meaningful experiences and bonding them with love for children and emotional responses exhibited in the physical world.


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