Thursday, December 1, 2016

Competitive World Generates Radicalization Patterns

This Transdisciplinary Research centrally focuses on addressing the Root of Radicalization and how the General Notion of Radicalization develops and persuades individuals to follow their ethical Instincts. An Observational study also targets the role of External Forces in modifying the Social Collaboration Model and eventually turning it into the Radical Society Model on the evolutionary path of life (XY axis). Metaphorical Understanding is explored in this research to present Invisible Entities beyond Radicalization Patterns. 
The black Box Testing Method applies through an observational study for handling complex Input/output Maps in Social Contexts and the Conscious Component.
External Forces beyond the Competitive World possess the Super-active Survival Instinct and the Network of the Competitive Instinct within Subconsciousness. The financial modeling world championships stimulate Survival Instinct. Powerful algorithms beyond Constant Open-loops of the Survival Instinct call the Network of Competitive Instinct for Close-loop Conditions. Almost all Instance Instincts of the Survival Instinct have Unethical Coding and Functions. Aggressive Instincts perpetuate unfavorable Parameters in Social Contexts.
Decentralized Control System: Systems Owners (Powerful Decision Makers within different Systems Platforms) distribute Control and freedom among System Elements (citizens, community members, and employees) for creating and sharing homogeneous performances in Systems platforms. Systems Owners provide multi-level social care facilities and the best resources to support Systems Elements concerning promoting individual stability within Social Contexts. Good Harmonic Balance in the System platform can produce good Harmonic Balance in Consciousness. Optimal Harmonic Balance in the System platform can cope with internal and external disturbances. Therefore, the harmonic control system is accepted as a System Resilience Model (Social Resilience Model). (Fig1)
Good Harmonic Balance in Consciousness can stimulate and activate the Network of Cooperative and Resilient Instincts. The Cooperative Instinct can reduce the override autofocus on competitiveness among System Elements within Social Contexts. The Resilient Instinct can become active when the Network of Cooperative Instinct can influence most Decision-Making Patterns in the Conscious Component. 
The Social Costs of multi-level care facilities can lead to an economic burden in a Competitive World. Entities beyond the Competitive World would guide Systems Owners to establish comprehensive structural mechanisms in the System Platform for responding to Social Costs. One of the top priorities and principal strategies in a Competitive World is Overhead Cost Reduction and Regulatory Control of various social contributions. A Centralized Control System can build a new Resource Allocation Model within the System platform. It finds powerful ways to revive economic growth across the Competitive World. Cost Reduction and Regulatory Control of various social contributions can reduce the quality of life. Therefore, it generates chaotic situations in Social Contexts. For example, sustainability issues in extreme poverty and low education can create Radicalization Patterns. (Fig1 & Fig2) 
Centralized Control System: Systems Owners propose a so-called compatible Resource Allocation Model. They develop constraint-solving algorithms in Decision-Making for handling Cost Reduction and chaotic social-layer situations. Almost many options in Decision-Making would involve Social Complexity. System Elements might suffer from anxiety characterized by overridden discipline and low freedom of choice. Authoritative Decision Makers in Hierarchy Levels monitor growing assets, productivity reports, and labor costs on operative layers. In this Structural Control Model, Systems Owners prefer to invest capital in System Security and Controlling System Elements instead of capital investment in sustainable development for System Elements. Implementing a Centralized Control System generates side effects on the evolutionary path of life and modifies the vision of Human Nature. 
According to an observational study, there are much more Hidden Costs in Centralized Control systems than unusual cost issues in Decentralized Control Systems. Systems Owners make a broad capital investment in Centralized Control Systems due to security staff, a variety of security training programs, and purchasing a wide range of security products. The Hidden Cost Model can always be located by security activities within internal/external forces and side-effects of Social Trauma.

The Following parameters show the aftermath of exploring Centralized Control Systems.

1- Build Control Centralized Systems can generate Psychic and physical mass destruction among System Elements. 
2- Social Contexts may confront Chaotic situations.
3- High levels of social brutality and violent crime may hardly recover on a short-term scale.
4- Political and social instability undermines the quality of life. It reduces the basic living standard of living. 
5- It modifies social infrastructure, global economic growth, and universal security settings.  
Rationalization Roadmap in Centralized Control System 
Systems Owners aim to create a strategy of Rationalization Roadmap (Down Sizing/ extended mass layoffs) for promoting productivity and economic growth in a Competitive World. Systems Owners execute budgetary plans (Economic Competitiveness) according to the Conceptual mapping model from Invisible Entities beyond the Competitive World through consecutive phases:

Economic Competitiveness Model
1) Efficiency and Adaptability.
2) Identify Parity. 
3) Determine Reliability.
4) Demonization/ Dehumanization.
The rationalization process changes rules and regulations in the Social Structure. The Rationalization Process can modify all entities within Social Contexts. Parameters of the Rationalization Process might minimize the Harmonic Balance in Consciousness. Ultimately, Low harmony in the Subconscious Component can empower Ego Development and Support the Network of Competitive Instinct. Aggressive and Unethical Competitive Instincts with Ego strength would undermine Decision-Making Patterns. Social Unrest and Violence correlate with Unhealthy Social Behaviors. (Fig1 & Fig2)

Systems Owners establish resilient infrastructures related to economic development policy. Control functions beyond the system platform can approach and improve critical parameters from an economic perspective. They eliminate nonprofit operations and alleviate problems of social costs. Entities beyond the Competitive World can identify the burden of uncertainty in the Global Economy. Hence, they would require the System Owner to take appropriate measures to remove several attributes promoted by Social Contributions. Systems Elements (People within Systems) can lose mental state and social-emotional stability due to inadequacies of life and social chaos. (Fig1 & Fig2)
Centralized Control Systems can activate Survival Instinct (among System Elements). Open-loop within Survival Instinct calls and activates the Network of Competitive Instinct. The constant Open-loop condition of the Survival Instinct triggers the Revenge and Killer Instinct. The effects of Survival Instinct with Constant Open-loop Mode are defined as follows:

A System Owner might explore improper employment termination and impose unfair layoff because of downsizing or other circumstances. Systems Owners would develop algorithmic techniques to curtail costs by eliminating employees (Cost awareness). For example, Systems Owners can perform special treatment towards employees identified as Economic Burden. So-called Social Profiling and a lower level of Social Competence are crucial reasons to terminate individuals at work.     

Specific Side-effects of a Chaotic Society can be addressed in the following paragraphs
Polarization, Isolation, Social Justice Issues, unequal wealth, and resource distribution can invoke racism and poverty, prejudice or discrimination, failure of ethnic integration, and global segregation.
Dynamic Transition Strategy implemented between Decentralized and Centralized Control System because of reviving and improving system platform. Systems developers can move back and forth to a Decentralized and Centralized Control System between State X and State Y through a Turning Point Recovery on the evolutionary path of life.
Decentralized Control Systems generate and perpetuate various Social Features on the XY axis. It can initiate and move from State X to Turning Point Center. Decentralized Control Systems can characterize the Social Collaboration Model. System Elements have more social freedom and the Internal Consistency of choice experiments. (Fig1)
Characteristics of the Social Collaboration Model activate the Harmonic Instinct in Subconsciousness. The self-activated process within the Harmonic Instinct calls and activates several Instance Instincts. Eventually, the Subconscious Component can generate the Cooperative and Resilient Instinct. (Fig1, Fig3)
Centralized Control Systems generate and perpetuate various Social Features on the XY axis. It can initiate and move from Turning Point State to State Y. Centralized Control Systems can characterize the Social Anxiety and Radical Society Model. System Elements have lower social freedom and inconsistent decision-making in the State of Y than in Turning Point State. (Fig1)
The operating process in the Network of Competitive Instinct and Instinct of Hypocrisy can perpetuate the capability of instance parameters in the Radical Society Model. (Fig1, Fig3)
Social Justice Issues in the Radical Society Model create a confrontation between people and Public Security Forces. Many people get angry at the disappointment due to Social Inequality and environmental injustice. The Open-loop cycle can initiate a Revenge Instinct among deprived people. Exposed folk in the system platform may seek favorable terms and conditions within different sects where they can share similar notions and confirm their thoughts. The Sect leader and other members would support Desperate People. Sect members can inspire and motivate others to promote the law of Human Rights and Social Justice through activities and life principles of Sect. (Fig 2)
Sect members can gradually become radicalized, and they might manage to set successful Closed-loop conditions in Revenge Instinct by performing something evil against their opponents. (Fig 2)

Characteristics of the Social Domain can determine Harmonic Balance in Subconsciousness. Instance parameters within the Decentralized Control System can call and enhance the Harmonic Instinct, the Network of Cooperative Instinct, and the Resilient Instinct. 
Instance parameters within the Centralized Control System can call and enhance Survival Instinct. The Instinct of Hypocrisy and the Competitive Instinct aggravate Certain Instance Instincts of Survival Instinct. The Open-loop cycle in the Decision-Making Model would provoke the Competitive Instinct and Instinct of Hypocrisy. (Fig 3)
A Closed-loop Revenge Instinct can modify the Survival Instinct and pursue progressively Harmonic Instinct in three consecutive cycles. Achieve truly Satisfactory Revenge in the Subjective World can convert the Open-loop of the Revenge Instinct to Closed-loop Mode (Cycle1). A Closed-loop condition transfers the Input stimulus to Harmonic Balance (Cycle 2). Stimulus selectivity in Harmonic Balance can be called Harmonic Instinct and Cooperative Instinct (Cycle 3). (Fig 4)                                 
The Revenge Instinct’s Open-loop condition can be called the Survival Instinct, Instinct of Hypocrisy, and Radicalized Instinct (Cycle 1). (Fig 5)
The Survival Instinct can process the signal of the Instinct of Hypocrisy and the Radicalized Instinct to the Harmonic Balance Component (Cycle 2). (Fig 5)
The Harmonic Balance Component has two vital functions in Subconsciousness. The first function adjusts and harmonizes the emotional states of Survival Instinct and Iceberg Mode. (Fig 5) 
The second function is to monitor and improve the complex emotional state of the Survival Instinct and Iceberg Mode. (Fig 5)
1-Functional domains in Survival Instinct become unsteady and sluggish due to the Instinct of Hypocrisy and Radicalized Instinct. 
2-Functional states in Iceberg Mode become unsteady and sluggish due to a weak Superego Adjuster, Deficient Superego, and Flimsy Faith. 
Complexity in Survival Instinct and Iceberg Mode leads to poor postural mechanisms in the Harmonic Balance Component (Cycle 3). (Fig 5)
Poor Harmony in Consciousness can cause Flimsy Faith, an unsteady Superego Framework, and an unstable Superego Adjuster. The Superego Framework can weaken when the Superego Adjuster's state deteriorates in Social Contexts. A shacky Superego Framework regulates a progressive Ego Mode; consequently, the poor Iceberg becomes poorer and more unequal in its relationship with the Ego Domain. (Fig 5)
The logical part of Consciousness can hardly get feedback from poor Iceberg. Thus, a segment of the Decision-Making Map may involve an Open-loop Mode and an instance of Radicalized Instinct. (Fig 5)  


According to an observational study, one of the vital goals of Humans is to develop and improve the harmonious balance between Superego and Ego and congregate Optimal Logical Codes in Consciousness on the evolutionary path of life.

Harmonic Balance between Ego and Superego determines Harmonic Balance in Decision Making and Social Behavior. Specific Genetic Instincts and instance parameters in Social Contexts can modify the property of the Ego/Superego in Subconsciousness. Besides, they can promote and disturb the Mode of Ego/Superego.
Individuals have hardly control over Genetic Instincts and instance parameters in Social Contexts; therefore, they can barely modify the Harmonic Balance in the Ego /Superego Framework without interference from external entities.
Common-sense beliefs can sometimes modify Human Nature and Social Life characteristics because Humans can barely predict and evaluate possible side-effects of common sense in Social Contexts.

The array of data beyond Decision-Making is created through active/inactive Instincts. The Property of Ego/Superego and Logical Data in Subconsciousness can reshape decision-making processing in the second stage. (Preprogrammed instructions encoded in genes).

Absolute Social Democracy versus Absolute Social Autocracy has unknown precision for standard reference values because variability in the length of the XY axel can prolong the Evolutionary Path of life. Therefore, X and Y would hardly have permanent characteristic values.
A Closed-loop process can occur and diversify the Open-loop of Revenge Instinct under the following circumstances:

1- Satisfactory Revenge in real life.  
2- An excessively Strong Superego Framework Adjusts Revenge Instinct.
3- Environmental entities in Social Contexts can limit the Revenge Instinct.

Instincts are genetically preprogrammed codes and perform three main functions in the Subconscious Component according to DNA instruction code settings executed by Open-loop Cycle, Processing Mode, and Closed-loop Condition. Instance-related performances occur according to the following instruction cycles.

1- External stimuli in Social Contexts generate an Open-loop Cycle within the designated Instinct. Processing Mode in Subconsciousness can trigger the physical part of the body through electromagnetic wave signals. The Brain can perpetuate nod for specific performances in the real world. Designated Instinct within Open-loop mode must wait for particulate feedback in the real world. 
2- The Brain responds to environmental stimulation. Fulfilled performances in the real world can transmit algorithmic codes to Open-loop conditions for Closed-loop circumstances. Otherwise, the designated Instinct would operate continuously within an Open-loop posture.
3- Algorithmic Affirmative Action can adjust Open-loop Mode and Rollback Token calls to designated Instinct for Closed-loop Condition.
Specific parameters in the Brain are encoded by self-stimulation and repetitive behaviors. Activated domain codes propagate social patterns, which are characterized as addictions. 
Addictive behaviors involved by external stimuli can be encoded from the Subconscious into the Brain Framework (Non-preprogrammed holding pattern). Addictive domain codes can represent the same functions as Instinct Cycles (1-Open-loop Condition 2- Processing Posture 3-Closed-loop Condition. Logical Codes in the Conscious Component are free from processing action. Reflex Action has no sign of a Logical Code of Consciousness within the execution domain.

Systems Owners can sometimes be required to energize Structural Control systems by moving back and forth between Centralized/Decentralized Control Systems on XY axel. 
The Social Contexts with implemented Decentralized Control Systems (Status 1) imply the best-case scenario for the nature of human beings. However, Status 1 is located near Turning Point on the Evolutionary Path. It suggests that Decentralized Control Systems may encounter a low level of Social Democracy in Human Evolutionary History. (Fig 1)

The Strength of Hypocrisy Instinct can promote and ensure the fast track to career success in Centralized Control Systems.

Invisible Entities beyond the Competitive World would request and challenge Systems Owners to implement the Optimal Resource Allocation Model in the System platform to achieve a sustainable Competitive Advantage. The Optimal Resource Allocation Model can sustain a competitive advantage in the short term. However, distinct functions in Social Contexts would lead to suboptimal results because of missing the vital role of Basic Human Values in Social Contexts.

A single System Owner can only roll back Centralized Control Systems to Decentralized Control Systems with the involvement of the Global Community because the Transition Model can propagate negative pulse settings in a Competitive World. Eventually, a new pattern might be configured with a functional economy and cause complexity in the environmental platform. A Universal Functional Economy defines and targets elite and big corporations.

The Decentralized Control Systems can be designed to adjust side-effects Global Variables within Social Contexts. It improves chaotic situations related to economic performances and develops stability within patches and inconsistencies in Social Environments. 
Control Systems would automate regular feedback to support inefficient components and functions’ stability for a fundamental Reform. 
On the contrary, Centralized Control Systems focus on security measures and economic perspectives for Systems Owners. The strategy has side effects and causes high criminalization. The system may eliminate people who have Social and Political issues because of the reduction in Marginal Social Costs. The Control System would automate and provide feedback environments for improving productivity at all levels. It pursues a sustainable Competitive Advantage within the Competitive World.

Constant cycles of Open-loop conditions within Revenge Instinct seriously harm the structuring principles of man’s life in society. Systems Owners must identify and eliminate provocative rules and fuzzy regulations, which stimulate and activate Revenge Instinct in Subconsciousness. The Old Open-loop Cycle of the Revenge Instinct causes a high level of paranoia, and eventually, it provokes and promotes the Radicalized Instinct.

A trade-off between Reform/ Restrain Global Competitiveness Ranking and Social Development Perspective is a substantial key to rolling back from Centralized Control Systems to Decentralized Control Systems. Moderate Global Competitiveness (Reduction of Hyperactive Competitiveness) can adopt Business Competitiveness, and it promotes a gentle Competitive Instinct in the Subconscious Component. Eventually, circumstances in Social Contexts would be ready to absorb the fundamental part of Decentralized Control Systems.

Today’s key to the sustainability problem can refer to the complexity of the past. It would define that a definite Instinct can operate in Open-loop conditions at an early interval. In other words, the Closed-loop operation can barely execute. 
The Complex loop process can operate consistently over many years, and Closed-loop Mode may only attain a little. It requires performing a specific task according to DNA-encoded Instruction for a distinct Instance in the real world concerning a Closed-loop Mode.
A typical Closed-loop Condition can also be completed by manipulative procedures through external entities in Social Contexts.

Social Contexts with a Social Collaboration Model can optimize when the System Owner encapsulates trust among System Elements (employees, citizens, business partners, counterpart country). Ethical Environments with insights into Human Values, Consideration, and Respect must identify quickly and advocate vigorously in Social Contexts. Human Values must be prioritized over Economic Perspectives; otherwise, Social Hypocrisy can become a Social Collaboration Pattern and cause a Developmental Anxiety Model.

Closed-loop conditions in Consciousness can transmit a signal to the inner force sensor to release the internal pressure. It follows with an enormous, enjoyable sigh of relief. Therefore, the logical part of Consciousness targets effective algorithmic patterns within Iceberg cells for operating Closed-loop through Instances. Algorithmic Patterns in Iceberg Cell instantiates according to Algorithmic Patterns in Superego/Ego and Superego Adjuster.

Earth inhabitants must develop good moral perceptions and ethical values towards The Human Race, regardless of (nationality, race, religion, culture, ethnicity, sex, age, or language). Otherwise, Centralized Control Systems would hardly adjust easily to Decentralized Control Systems. Finally, Earth’s inhabitants can deal with emotional chaos on the evolutionary path of life. 
Human adults have similar fundamental conscious mechanisms as those born innocent. Social Contexts reshape Instincts and create changes in Decision-Making patterns and social behavior. Infants have a few preprogrammed Instincts, and numbers of active and inactive Instincts can instantiate and perpetuate through the evolutionary path.

An Old Open-loop Domain in the Subconscious Component implies that Instinct Control Mechanisms are still being processed. Unavailable Closed-loop Condition refers to the time default setting interval for code execution accomplished. In the case of Errors in Instinct, the Feedback Control System monitors code disturbance, improves possible errors, and processes codes for operation. Actual Reference Codes with Errors without improvement can run Infinite Loop, which would be recognized as an old Open-loop Instinct. 
External forces can conduct a variety of treatment techniques through psychology. It can improve code disturbance, and eventually, old Open-loop can process within Instinct and achieve Default Setting Codes for Closed-loop Mode. Several Old Open-loop Cycles on the evolutionary path of life can determine Complexity Levels in Decision-Making patterns and Social Behavior. Some people with broad, complex Social Behaviors can distinguish Complexity Levels in Social Contexts.

Fathers are more likely to have difficulties changing diapers when Father Instinct is inactive in the Instinct Component. Father Instinct is passive and can trigger through an instance of Social Contexts and time. Maternal Instincts spark by nature during the birth process.

World Political Authority can adopt vigorous Competitive Instinct and shaky Cooperative Instinct to moderate Competitive Instinct and Cooperative Instinct.
A Competitive Protocol behind Social Competition instantiates by the Competitive Instinct. The Cooperative Instinct generates a mutual interest beyond Human Unity. 
Partners with a resource-based view of Competitive Advantage within cooperation can eliminate one another when error codes execute within the Network of Competitive Instinct. Partners with moderate active Cooperative Instinct can always sustain Unity and faithfulness.
Entities beyond the Competitive World can generate Radicalization Patterns within Social Contexts.





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