Thursday, August 22, 2013

Flimsy Entities are Victims of Demonization/Dehumanization

In the global economy, competition often reshapes human empathy, leading to reduced concern for welfare systems that lack a resilient social service framework for future generations. Systems Owners, constantly seeking competitive advantage, work to eliminate adversaries as efficiently as possible. Global Competition requires a vigorous competitive advantage within the systems platforms. Various inhuman treatments are executed on system platforms because of competition in the Global Economy.
One common but ruthless tactic used to neutralize rivals is Demonization and Dehumanization. These strategies are aggressive, cost-effective, and swift. Systems Owners can strip away the integrity of antagonists by identifying and exposing an opponent's vulnerabilities. Revealing or exaggerating unethical aspects of a competitor's character can undermine their standing, effectively removing them from the competition. While such tactics may serve short-term objectives, they can also have unseen, long-term side effects, altering the dynamics of both Biological and Non-Biological Systems and adding complexity to evolutionary pathways in system performance.
The power to demonize or dehumanize, however, is not equally distributed. While some entities employ these strategies to gain advantage, individuals with less influence have limited success. Powerful corporations and influential decision-makers possess the credibility and resources to damage their rivals' reputations effectively. Conversely, individuals and smaller entities at the lowest levels of these systems often become the primary victims of Dehumanization, suffering from practices over which they have little control.
In a democratic world, political competition has evolved with the introduction of scientific models purportedly designed to preserve opponents' lives while safeguarding one's interests. Beyond traditional demonization tactics, algorithmic codes now play a crucial role in enhancing competitive advantage within intense rivalries.
Today, antagonists need not resort to direct criminal acts to undermine adversaries with differing goals and policies. Instead, experts in criminal law and data science are increasingly capable of designing algorithmic tools that can subtly demonize and dehumanize opponents in both political campaigns and the business world. These coded strategies create targeted narratives that can damage reputations and shift public perception under the guise of neutrality and strategy.


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