Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Deterioration of Rational Decision-Making Patterns

Rational decision-making is influenced by various environmental factors that impact processes within the trait of the Superego/ Ego frameworks. Algorithmic codes beyond instinctual mechanisms also play a significant role, with the characteristics and balance of active and inactive instincts shaping the rational choice approach. The human species evolves within a social environment, guided by a dynamic domain called the Superego Adjuster. Systems Owners can modify the Superego Adjuster and develop algorithmic codes behind global variables within the system platform, which can alter social norms. Thus, these procedures can affect the structure and function of the Superego Adjuster. An optimal Superego determines the quality and mapping of the Superego Adjuster and instincts, while genetic predispositions may influence the instinctual codes and decision-making patterns (Figure 1).

An overemphasis on economic perspectives and cost-saving strategies disrupts the harmonic balance in Biological and Non-Biological Systems. A low harmonic balance in system platforms, in turn, alters the Superego framework, deteriorating the characteristics of the Instinct Component. When possible, wicked instincts dominate the Subconscious Component and cause rational decision-making to degrade. As a result, social contexts may encounter genetically driven challenges, including profound intellectual disabilities (Figure 2).

Key Observations:
1-Instinct Mapping: Refers to the quality and classification of instincts that create networks by calling correlated instincts to empower and achieve specific goals for the decision-making map. In Biological Systems, relationships between Active Friendly Instincts (AFI) and Inactive Wicked Instincts (IWI) are essential determinative factors for identifying harmonic balance possessed in the Subconscious Component:

Harmonic Balance in Biological Systems = (AFI) + (IWI)
2-Ethical Decision-Making: Requires a harmonious balance between AFI and IWI. Social parameters can influence such a mode, causing modern humans to capture logical decision-making codes through interactions with the optimal domain of the Superego Adjuster for sustained harmony on the evolutionary path of life. An optimal balance of instincts and a well-functioning Superego Adjuster are crucial to rational and ethical decision-making in complex social environments.
3-Instinct Quality:
1-Optimal Instincts: A friendly and protective Network of instincts integrates with the Superego framework and the optimal Superego Adjuster. It generates favorable and ethical codes within the decision-making map and extends to logical data within the Conscious Component.
2-Suboptimal Instincts: Wicked instincts integrate into the Ego Framework and the Network of Competitive Instincts, contributing to protecting humans in aggressive environments. The decision-making map contains hostile codes and seldom communicates with the Conscious Component regarding irrational decisions.
3-Superego Adjuster Attributes: Key components influencing the Superego Adjuster include religions, life philosophies, psychoanalytic frameworks, austere lifestyles, cultural paradigms, experimental knowledge, scientific models, and spiritual practices.
4-Survival Instinct's Role: The survival instinct can undermine the Superego structure, strengthening wicked instincts (IWI) while turning off friendly instincts (AFI). This process drives decision-making into a closed-loop mode, causing modern humans to behave similarly to individuals in the Middle Ages.




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