Instinct refers to an inborn ability where patterns of
judgment respond automatically to specific stimuli without the need for
learning or deliberate thought. Instinctive behaviors are governed by
preprogrammed codes embedded within the Instinct Component, guiding humans
along an evolutionary trajectory. The Instinct Component can be categorized
into three primary types, with two distinct models demonstrating phenotypic
differences in algorithmic development codes. These instincts operate across
three progressive phases within the Subconscious Component:
Types of Instincts
Genetic instincts
(instance codes) remain dormant from birth until triggered at a specific
developmental stage. These instincts enter an active processing state upon
interaction with social context parameters (Primary Stimuli). In this phase, algorithmic
codes influence genetic instincts (Secondary Stimuli). While these instincts
often maintain fixed functional values, expertise can manipulate their
attributes and adapt to new features and characters in the Subconscious
Gender instincts are preprogrammed algorithmic codes, like genetic instincts, that
remain inactive until a particular age or stage of development. They are
activated through social contexts (Primary Stimuli) and further shaped by
gender-specific codes (Secondary Stimuli). Gender instincts enable analogical
thinking across masculine and feminine domains. Although they initially adopt
constant values, these instincts can evolve through experience and
environmental interactions.
General instincts may be active or dormant from birth and are responsive to
broad life events. They transition between mobilized and inactive states in
response to social contexts (Primary Stimuli), acquiring new values and
functions over time. Active general instincts depend on circumstances and
situations that influence the evolutionary path of life. The number of active
and inactive instincts, such as figure prints, differs for individuals.
Observations and Key Insights
Thinking via Gender Instincts:
Gender instincts
influence decision-making processes in men and women. Typically, it
demonstrates analogical reasoning for men exhibiting distinct algorithmic codes
in decision maps and vice versa. Characteristic codes create shared yet
distinct cognitive frameworks for interpreting surroundings and relationships.
2-Superego and
Subconscious Balance:
Activating friendly instincts requires a harmonic balance in the Subconscious
Component, which the Superego Adjuster regulates through global variables. Systems
owners try to create, provide, and influence harmonious balance in social
contexts through global variables that prioritize economic performance. When
individuals study functionalities from global variables within social contexts,
it creates paradoxical phenomena; therefore, achieving harmonic balance in the
Subconscious Component can foster and develop harmonious alignment in
competitive and cooperative environments.
Instinct Activation and Modification:
Instincts are
activated and refined incrementally through Primary and Secondary Stimuli. This
gradual modification allows the development of a complex algorithmic
perspective on instinctual behaviors within the Subconscious Component.
2-Beyond the
Superego Mechanism:
General instincts can function independently beyond algorithmic codes, the Superego/
Ego frameworks, and logical data processes in the Conscious Component. They
extend beyond gender instincts and genetic codes, reflecting deeper mechanisms
of human behavior.
The study employs
Black Box Testing and a bottom-up analytical approach to investigate mechanisms
underlying instincts, human emotions, and gesture recognition.
This analysis framework reveals a multi-layered understanding of
instinctive behaviors. By exploring the interplay between genetic and gender
instincts, as well as their interaction with social contexts and subconscious
mechanisms, the research offers a nuanced perspective on human evolution and
cognition. These insights highlight the dynamic nature of instinct activation,
deactivation, and adaptation, contributing to a broader understanding of human
behavior in complex environments.