Saturday, January 2, 2021

An Exercise of Global Side-Effects in the System Platform

System Owner articulated Global Variables according to Economic Perspectives, which might align with ethical Decision-Making. Global Variables pursue Optimal Control for Economic Perspectives and the best operational outcomes. The possible Side-effects of such a strategic mechanism are error codes from general goals to specific entities in the System Platform. Some components or Entities can hardly get feedback because of Economic Constraints. The most common operational failures in Non-Biological Systems are because of economic barriers to supporting resources.
The most common Social Disorders and malfunctioning controls in Biological and Non-Biological Systems are due to Economic perspective and cost awareness. 
Optimal analysis for Economic Perspectives can activate Competitive Instinct and related instance instincts. It may prevent the activation of ethical codes within Global Variables. The role of algorithmic thinking and Global Principles in Biological and Non-Biological Systems are as follows. 


Biological Systems
Based on the Economic Perspectives, Global Variables transfer signals and processes to System Elements for product quality. The way System Elements operate can be against the concept of Human Nature at work. Setting up an operational based on daily exercises involving side effects that can cause Complexity in the System Platform. Complex algorithms return and perpetuate through the Vicious Cycle within Biological Systems. Resources in environmental boundaries may concern the Global Principles of choices.
Non-Biological Systems
Complex Patterns of Decision-Making through programming in machines obliged users to interact with underlying mechanisms behind suboptimal preferences. For example, Suboptimal algorithms beyond the Traffic lights program can transfer failed signals and lockdown many motorists daily. Drivers may exercise and experience suboptimal codes in traffic Jams and figure out their model to resolve issues. Solutions are sometimes compatible with traffic laws and seldom work against conformity and Social Norms on traffic laws. Artificial Intelligence programs concisely and persuasively for users. The algorithms of Global Variables modify codes for attaining Positive thinking. 
Exercise driving with error codes in traffic lights can affect citizens' social behavior. System Owners and traffic signal controllers are responsible for complex Social Behaviors among citizens. The complexity mode in a traffic jam can transfer to Non-Biological Systems through a Vicious Cycle of Global Failure. This study exploited the Black-box Testing Method. The Bottom-Up approach focuses on the characteristics of Software and Program attributes within Conscious and Sub-conscious Components. 



System Owners can be concerned about encapsulated Global Variables that oblige system elements to exercise either failed social roles or social norms.
System Owners need to identify the side effects of Global Variables in the system platform before end-users can exercise side effects and create a vicious cycle.

Consistent Patterns in the Black-Box Testing Model confirm internal characters within Black-Box through the Bottom-up approach. The truth of any claim is consistent. 

Prolonged suboptimal perceptual performance and persistence on the evolutionary path of life can generate Invisible Entities within Biological and Non-Biological Systems.

Humans are artificially intelligence because of programming codes beyond Instincts and DNA. Instinct Component and DNA structure communication can operate through a broad Wave of Patterns. Brain Framework can intermediate connection between the Conscious Component and the Physical Body. 
The main question is how to identify that Instincts may perpetuate beyond Decision-Making. 
Each Instinct has three encapsulated cycles behind triggering the strategic Decision-Making Process. These three cycles might function in countless mechanisms of intelligent systems as follows: 
1- Open-Loop 2-Processing 3- Closed-Loop
Invisible Entities in Your System also studies the Decision-Making Process outside the Human Body.
Social Hypocrisy infects Humans and generates Invisible Entities in consciousness. The Remedy can be an exercise in telling the truth regularly. However, the vital function of the Hypocrisy Instinct within the Subconscious Component is to respond to calls from the Survival Instinct. Algorithmic Mechanisms beyond Hypocrisy Instinct align and protect Humans in unusual harmful environments. Social Hypocrisy can propagate among Mankind because of Hypocritical Global Variables articulated by Systems Owners. Hypocrisy Instinct belongs to the Network of Competitive Instinct within Subconsciousness. The hypocrisy Instinct of Systems Owners can activate because of the Global Competitive Environment.

Suboptimal Gender Instincts can generate Invisible Entities within Social Contexts. Suboptimal algorithms beyond Global Variables of Social Contexts cause suboptimality among Gender Instincts within Subconsciousness.


The Experiencing of Random Destiny Track Events

Sustainable systems theory and a high level of system integration suggest that algorithmic code values within the Subconscious Component o...