Sunday, March 27, 2022

The Vigilant Instinct Sustains Open-loop Mode in Starvation Domain

The Old Open-loop Cycle within an Instinct calls to the Survival Instinct for Closed-loop Mode. The Survival Instinct requests a designated Network of Instincts to support Closed-loop Conditions. However, specific Social Representation processes and the Human Performance domain can cause complexity in Social Contexts. The Vigilant Instinct can obstruct transmission between the Survival Instinct and Instinct Supporters, which tend to establish Closed-loop conditions. Starvation Mode can occur with Old Open-loop Domain. The Vigilant Instinct can activate when Humans encounter negative experiences in life, triggering many animal babies at birth.
The Network of the Cooperative Instinct can ensure fairness and well-being in the outcome of Decision-Making Patterns.

Integrated Distinct Instincts through program mechanisms and code-instantiation within the Subconscious Component can create instances that process and perpetuate phenomena beyond Social Contexts.


The Experiencing of Random Destiny Track Events

Sustainable systems theory and a high level of system integration suggest that algorithmic code values within the Subconscious Component o...