Thursday, June 27, 2024

Functional Codes Underlying the Activated Intuitive Instinct

Intuitive power can provide valuable insights into the complexities of a problem before decision-making. In social environments, humans may encounter intangible factors that are difficult to navigate without sufficient knowledge or experience. However, algorithmic codes, which extend beyond logical data within the Conscious Component, can help address and respond to universal challenges effectively.
Humans can acquire advanced, intuitive algorithms that enhance and guide life paths through the Subconscious Component. Intuition, an area of dormant instinct, can be activated by frequency vibration codes within the following units of the Subconscious Component.
1- Harmonic Balance between the Superego and Ego Frameworks within Iceberg Cells.
2- A vigorous Network of Cooperative Instincts.
3- An attenuated Network of Competitive Instincts. 
4- Absence of the domain of Old Open-loop Instinct Cycles.
5- An Optimal Belief System.
6- Uncovering and apprehending the universal truths through a righteous way of life and exploring algorithmic codes illuminating life’s course amid darkness, chaos, and the underworld.
7- Capturing a Higher State of Consciousness.
Activated Intuitive Instinct promotes and aligns Humans to a Higher State of Consciousness and the the realm of Global Consciousness. Algorithmic codes of the Global Consciousness support, improve, and enhance human decisions on the evolutionary path from life, while logical data of the Conscious Component struggles to resolve problems. Intuitive Codes guide humans in speculating and solving problems effectively. (Figure 1)
Frequent communication, engagement, and focus on external environments can disrupt peace of mind. Consequently, it becomes challenging for humans to access a higher state of consciousness and incorporate those insights into their decision-making process through their Activated Intuitive Instinct. (Figure 2)

An observational study suggests that intuitive instincts may have genetic functions specific to certain groups of people. While science continues to investigate the mechanisms behind these instincts, academic boundaries often limit our understanding of data related to the cosmopolitan state of consciousness and achieving higher levels of human consciousness.
While disturbances occur in external environments, the ideal scenario for a decision-making model involves exploring logical data within the Conscious Component. However, the worst-case scenario is often anticipated due to survival instincts that trigger energetic responses to protect humans from harsh environments, making it rare for logical data to integrate fully into a decision-making map. In contrast, algorithmic codes beyond aggressive instincts in the Subconscious Component encapsulate the decision-making map for code executions. The absence of a higher state of consciousness and intuitive instincts among humans can perpetuate suboptimal codes in decision-making maps and lead to offensive social behaviors in chaotic communities.

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