Humans with electrochemical
energy or electromagnetic waves in the Brain Framework are considered
unpredictable autonomous robots. Algorithmic patterns beyond Instinct Programming Codes in the
subconscious component are active/inactive. Environmental parameters modify,
perpetuate, and regulate the Instinct Domain into ethical /unethical modes.
Modifications can establish suboptimal functionality in Decision-Making
Unethical conditions can generate unregulated,
uncontrolled, and unplanned aggregation within the mechanisms of consciousness, which
spread into wide phenomena in Social Contexts. Unexpected performances can put
the Physical World in imminent circumstances.
The Superego and Ego Framework can develop and promote functional parameters beyond Instinct Mechanisms in the Subconscious Component.
Autonomous robots programmed by humans have predictable creative operations. Software codes and the set of attitudes and characteristic behaviors can be controlled and updated according to the construct of Social Roles and Patterns.
Writing ethical/ unethical codes beyond the Instincts
of Non-Biological Robots can create and develop self-awareness and make
ambiguous decision patterns. Robots may capture feedback from Social
Environments when the system developer establishes and enhances a program for
Superego and Ego Frameworks.
The Non-Biological Robots can assimilate
offensive/defensive functions to provide sustainability and maintain a concept
of resilience, but it escalates more unpredictability in Social Contexts.