Tuesday, April 22, 2014

External Forces Reshape Algorithmic Mechanisms in Social Contexts

The observational study identifies instance parameters of Global Variables that cause the most complex breakdown structure in Biological and Non-biological Systems during the past seven years. An instance reference model is a complex Social Context Algorithm articulated by Systems Owners. 
Economic Perspective, Global Competition, and Big Corporations can influence Global Variables. The phenomena may distract Systems Owners from implementing Complexity Analysis in Social Contexts. 
Environmental factors affect Instinct Properties in Biological Systems. Algorithm Mechanism beyond Instincts modifies community circumstances and rolls back Multiple Complex Cycles. Thus, each cycle can adjust and adapt Active and Inactive Instincts in Subconsciousness.                              
Elite and Big Business Corporations try to inspire Systems Owners to constitute an economic strategy and achieve sustainable Competitive Advantage. Therefore, Harmonic Balance for Biological and Non-Biological Systems might be eliminated by Systems Owners through Global Variables because of cost-benefit analysis. Business owners target economic development and engage in the benefit-cost method. Financial Perspectives can transmute rationality beyond natural functional Instincts in the long term.  
The Social Contexts with low Harmonic Balance can activate Unethical Instincts and disable the Ethical Instinct. Unethical Instincts modify Social Context with low Harmonic Balance, establishing a second complex cycle and underprivileged Harmonic Balance. Multiple Open-loops can generate chaotic situations across the System platform. 
Systems Owners should have taken moral responsibility for turmoil in Social Contexts. Ultimate Competitive advantage lies behind the strategy of Elite and Big Business Corporations, and misery lies in the lower Social Layers. 

Systems Owners can reduce Social and Global tragedy by maximizing Harmonic Balance in Global Variables for Biological and Non-Biological Systems. Eventually, change policy patterns within Big Corporations.
Complex Global Variables can inspire, emphasize, and propagate deception and hypocrisy in system platforms.


The Proxy Brain Framework

The intricate pattern between algorithmic codes held within the Subconscious Component and the physical body is mediated by the proxy Brai...