The Instinct Component can contain a Billion Instincts. A few Active
Instances are recognizable domains and functions for Humans; however, almost
all Inactive Instances have non-recognizable function names. Knowing Inactive
Instinct Properties and their Functional Mechanisms can pave the way to
promoting Human Life on Earth.
Humans are born competitive due to survival as a struggle against
Nature. The Supernatural Forces create a strong Competitive Instinct because
the Competitive Instinct is responsible for Protecting Humans against Nature.
Preprogrammed codes beyond the Survival Instinct can capture signals
from environmental sensors. The algorithmic program determines feedback signal
requirements and transmits data to designated components for achieving Instinct
Closed-loop conditions.
An external disturbance can signal to the Brain Framework, Subconscious
Component, and Instinct Component. A designated Instinct seizes external codes,
handles the signal, and initiates an Open-loop Cycle. The processing Cycle reads
request codes of outward signs and target feedback through the Brain Framework
for Closed-loop Mode in the Subconscious Component.
Sometimes, a designated Instinct allocates multiple Old Open loop
Cycles. In other words, the selected Instinct has a badge of Starvation Mode
in the long term, which algorithmic codes can recognize. A designated
Instinct requests the Survival Instinct to resolve the Old Open-loop and establish
Closed-loop Condition. Structural Algorithms of the Survival Instinct peruse
and interpret Error Codes in processing mode and identify Instincts to act and
recover Closed-loop Mode.
Error Codes can be interpreted as necessary actions and diagnose a
matter of life and death. Therefore, The Survival Instinct can call multiple
Offensive Instincts within the Network of the Competitive Instinct for
Closed-loop Mode to save a life of Biological Systems. However, Aggressive
Instincts may eliminate unnecessary entities and create chaos in Social
Contexts. The survival Instinct can
recognize fuzzy interpretation as a hallucination. Severe crises in Social Contexts depend on the illogical
interpretation of algorithmic programs behind the Survival Instinct.
Logical interpretations can signal friendly Instincts within the Network
of the Cooperative Instinct to determine possible issues and create a
Closed-loop Condition.
Two factors can challenge Algorithmic Codes to select antagonistic
actions, which trigger and cause hallucination in the Survival Instinct.
1- The number of Old Open-loop cycles.
2- Period of Old Open-loops allocations.
A single Instinct has three mechanisms of cycles. It initiates with the
stimulation of humans within Social Contexts. Data flow returns through
external sensors, the Brain Framework, and a single Instinct in the Conscious
Component. Stimulation Signals can modify internal sensors and generate an
Open-loop Cycle (The First Cycle). The Feedback Control System transmits
Open-loop Signal to the Brain (The Second Cycle), and then the signal
perpetuates into a physical body. Humans perform demands of stimulation, and
satisfactory performances can signal back to the Brain. The Performance
Response in the single instance confirms the Closed Conditions (the Third
Cycle). (Fig 1, 2, 3, 4)
According to an observational study, a prolonged starvation domain of an
Open-loop instance (delay processing cycle of Instinct Mechanism) can provoke
programming codes of Survival Instinct to select and call offensive Instincts
within the Network of the Competitive Instinct. The Ego framework always
possesses vigorous mode when an Instinct allocates Old Open-loop cycles for a
long time. An energetic Ego Mode is used to call aggressive Instincts and
confirm hostile measures to save the life of Biological Systems.
The source of criminalization, suicides, mass murders, and rampage shootings are Hallucinations of the Survival Instinct. Sometimes, preprogrammed codes interpret circumstances beyond Old Open-loop Instincts in the long term as life and death matter. These phenomena modify even influential decision-makers, and a cause strikes back tragedy in the entire world.
The Network of Competitive
Instinct receives urgent signals from the Survival Instinct to resolve Old
Open-loop Cycles. The resolutions can depend on how Algorithmic Codes interpret
the Old Open-loop Cycle in the Survival Instinct. The Network of the Competitive
Instinct defines Urgent Signals that can affect the solutions to Closed-loop
conditions. Properties of allocated Instincts (Active/ Inactive Instincts) can
also determine the responses to the Urgent Signal.
According to my observational study, humans generate
small amounts of electricity and possess magnetic fields. The Brain detects
magnetic fields, algorithmic codes function beyond the unique characteristics
of DNA Frameworks, and cells can conduct electrical currents. The Subconscious
Component can perpetuate the decision-making process following Preprogrammed
Codes. Consequently, humans can be considered Artificial Intelligence (AI) or a
Biological Machine.