Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Survival of Biological Systems Relies on the Elimination of Others

The survival and continuity of biological systems on Earth are fundamentally structured on eliminating other species. In the natural world, stronger creatures often prey on weaker ones without moral conflict, driven purely by algorithmic codes undermining instincts. The Network of Basic Instincts fuels ongoing cycles of violence and predation, crucial for the survival and evolution of species.
Similarly, human survival relies on competing for resources, which might often be done through lawful and unlawful means. In this struggle, the opposition’s resistance can lead to destructive outcomes, including loss of life and mortality. At the core of this natural behavior are the Competitive Network of Instincts and the Survival Instinct, which drive decision-making processes deeply rooted in the Subconscious Component. Natural primal force plays a crucial role in individuals and global platforms, influencing their strategies for survival.
In a chaotic global economy, activating the Survival Instinct among Systems Owners often leads to questionable decisions. Influential decision-makers, focusing on external survival strategies, engage in competitive behaviors from economic domination to outright war. They may seek to outcompete rivals, dominate resource allocation, and sometimes conquer weaker adversaries in the name of economic stability and growth. This pursuit of survival can occasionally lead to peaceful outcomes when weaker enemies are subdued, creating a controlled environment for future gains.
Internally, Systems Owners develop survival strategies that can take ethical and unethical paths. In the modern economy, these strategies often manifest in workforce downsizing or outsourcing, particularly in impoverished regions where labor is cheap and workers can be exploited under abusive conditions. Additionally, by creating multiple parallel projects, businesses can delay the delivery of services and products, further driving down costs and eroding human rights under the concealing of legal processes.
In conclusion, pursuing survival for Biological Systems comes at the expense of other species. The instinctual forces can drive survival through a continuous cycle of direct and indirect decisions, enabling organisms to remain competitive in the face of a hostile wild natural environment and the unpredictability of human activity on the evolutionary path of life.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Decision-Making Patterns through the Physical Body

Frequency vibrations from the physical body resonate with the Subconscious Component, driving the deep-rooted desire for rebirth on Earth despite life's inherent challenges and unfairness. This urge is governed by an algorithmic code embedded beyond the sensory inputs and outputs of the physical body. These vibrations extend into chemical processes that sustain and enhance life's pleasures on the evolutionary path. The subconscious mind's algorithm captures these physical vibrations, guiding decision-making based on these signals.
Sensory input stimuli activate these processes, such as drinking water, enjoying favorite foods, and experiencing restful sleep. Sensory output stimuli, including waste elimination, ejaculation, and orgasm, contribute to maintaining the body's overall balance.
All the body's physical components and the surrounding social contexts are composed of molecules, atoms, and energy vibrations. Algorithmic codes interact with these vibrational frequencies, influencing instinctual cycles within the Subconscious Component. These interactions align with the body's physical vibrations and shape decision-making maps.
The Compassionate Instinct can alter internal and external energy vibrations, bringing them into harmony and enhancing positive qualities within individuals and their surroundings.
The Conscious and Subconscious frameworks guide human decision-making through the brain structure, acting as a proxy to extend and control algorithmic codes from Consciousness to the physical body with a holistic processing awareness back and forth. Human data activities within social contexts provide feedback to respond to multiple signals in the subconscious and conscious components.
While the brain framework processes codes from Consciousness, it does not directly engage in decision-making codes. Instead, it maintains a holistic awareness of serial decision-making patterns. The brain structure cannot predict subsequent decision models despite achieving a final serial command cycle.
The Conscious/Subconscious Components are built on advanced algorithmic programming codes that transcend the Instinct Component by integrating the Ego/Superego Frameworks. Modifying these program codes within their blueprints could transform human evolution on Earth.
Abstract parameters within social contexts continuously influence human life, adding layers of complexity without clear solutions. To address this, humans must develop a model to measure and explore these abstract phenomena to uncover fundamental guidelines for logical reasoning with explanations.
The Cascade Effect of Invisible Entities in Biological and Non-Biological Systems can trigger disruptive vibrations and reverberate through social structures and humanity. The algorithmic codes that transcend the universe encapsulate modest Invisible Entities within human lives, amplifying the Ego Framework and the Network of Competitive Instincts embedded in the Subconscious Component. The outcome of energetic cosmos vibrations, combined with the accumulation of forceful algorithmic codes on Earth, can generate Logical Codes within the Conscious Component. These codes can reflect how humans shape and navigate social complexities, address potential challenges, and maintain harmonic balance along the evolutionary journey of life. 

Assessment of Aggressive Competitive Instincts

An intensely resilient ego structure, coupled with a robust set of aggressive competitive instincts, can significantly enhance human competi...