Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Summarizing Research Focused on Decision-Making Process through the Subconscious Component
The validity of Structural Operations in Non-Biological Systems and the Paradox of Harmonic Balance in Biological Systems have always been controversial debate topics in mainstream media. System operations can encounter complexity in critical concepts to perform assignments because of the project development budget and time to market.
The approach for innovating and promoting functions in system platforms and subordinate layers is perpetual with complicated processes; nevertheless, System Controllers iterate over the same procedure and repeat common mistakes in projects through a long-term strategy.
Systems Owners prioritize cost-effectiveness and sustainability of economic performances in core principles of system accountability because of compatibility over other systems and survival in the aggressive environment of Global Competition. Big Corporations and Global Elites are built to ensure a robust financial structure plan in the invisible domain of Global Competition. Systems Owners address instances of central finance structure plans in the principal core algorithm codes beyond the Global Variables of System Platforms. Theoretical knowledge of the burden policy and decision-making models of resource allocations in the global economic structure can modify and attenuate values of the Harmonic Balance underlying Biological/Non-Biological Systems. Influence decision-makers can focus and determine profitable growth and long-term success through the vibration levels of Consciousness.
The characteristics of a Network of Competitive Instinct within the Subconscious Component of Systems Owners/ Global Elites can cultivate algorithmic parameters beyond the Global Competition Framework so that their logical data in Consciousness justifies how humans and environmental resources on the evolutionary path of life can persist through their decision-making patterns on Earth Plant.
A large discrepancy between Social Behaviors/ System Operations and Ethical Moral Values can indicate the configuration levels of invisible entities within Biological/ Non-Biological Systems in Environmental Contexts.
Systems Owners may minimize the levels of invisibility through the Network of Cooperative Instincts within the Subconscious Component and then implement ethical codes in Global Variables within the System Platform. Logical and significant codes beyond decision-making models can generate Harmonious Balance in Biological/Non-biological Systems and ensure essential roadmap goals to system prosperity in long-term operations.

Systems Owners articulate and align aggressive algorithmic parameters beyond Economic Structure because of Global Competition and maintaining stability in the systems platforms. A Global Competitive Strategy can target compatibility and survival in the antagonistic universe. However, the value of humanity may gradually diminish due to potential unethical parameters behind Competitive Strategy and human resources costs.
The competitiveness strategy in Non-Biological Systems and financial achievements in a rival world can deteriorate daily life security. It perpetuates Open-loop Cycles within the Survival and Competitive Instincts in the Subconscious Component. The domain of Old Open-loop Cycles hinders Decision-Making Maps encapsulating logical Data from the Conscious Component.

The research aims to show the scope of complex algorithmic codes executed beyond Global Variables by Systems Owners and the roles of functional mechanisms in developing Logical Data within Consciousness. Global Variables in Non-Biological Systems articulate for sustaining compatibility in the Universal Economy and a Competitive World.
The observational study discusses how Systems Owners focus on Productivity and Principles of Economic Perspective and modify internal/ external system environments. The aftermath of system modification causes reduced fair values of Biological Systems that can diminish throughout life.
This study raises awareness and informs Systems Owners about influencing and encapsulating Harmonious Balance in Biological/Non-Biological Systems for better life circumstances in social contexts. Systems Owners face several challenges of moral internalization and Ethical decision-making to overcome obstacle codes in the Subconscious Component. 
The primary goal of this research is to explore how effective algorithmic parameters in the Subconscious Component can determine and resolve Complex Decision-Making Patterns. Optimal logical data in Consciousness can moderate complex parameters from the domain of the Competitive World into Social Contexts.
The study can describe how optimal codes in the Subconscious Component modify and align with realistic decisions and empower the growth of Biological and Non-Biological Systems.
The outcome of investigations addresses other researchers and Systems Owners to perceive the unfriendly role of complex algorithms beyond the Subconscious Component, which can deteriorate global variables in Biological and Non-Biological Systems.

The Principle of an Ethnographic Approach with a Systems Theory Model was used in the study to capture Complex Algorithms beyond Global Variables. An agnostic perspective explores the interoperability of Biological and Non-Biological Systems without any prejudices toward a specific data pattern.
Social Cognitive Theory, the Black Box Testing Model, and the stimulus and response model are exploited to analyze prognostic patterns of System measurements and Output properties in Case Studies. 
This study searches for a bottom-up approach and interprets the abstract complex domains of big corporations and global elites. The framework of the Competition World is imbued with paradoxical values to overcome functional mechanisms from opponents' domains.
An intuitive approach was explored to detect how abstractly the hypothetical source codes beyond influential Decision-Makers’ Subconscious Components vibrated into Global Variables of System Platforms, and then algorithmic codes developed and were instantiated within the mechanisms of Social Contexts.
This research introduces a graphical representation with an implicit description of Non-Biological Systems and metaphoric reflections on Biological Systems. The paradigm shift of Systems Theory is used as a constraint pattern definition in the research contexts. Therefore, readers may need help mapping and text semantics in the structural analysis because of Copyright Law Protection.
Research views
Sometimes, crises appear contagious in System Platforms and have non-identical features in physical characteristics and growth patterns. Complicated issues in Social Contexts can perpetuate and modify Biological/ Non-Biological Systems through a vicious cycle of Open-loop Instincts within the Subconscious Component. Disasters are part of nature, and humans can be created intentionally and unintentionally as parameters for crises. Global elites can stimulate and provoke unenergetic growth of economic characteristics in a worldwide competition to establish Harmonious Balance in social contexts.

1-The Systems Owners in this research can imply ownership of enterprises, societies, and communities. They may be involved in complex management, deciding and guiding how revenue is gained from activities, and targeting improvement for business promotion in entire layers.
2-Biological Systems can refer only to the human species in this research. However, Non-Biological Systems can guide Organizations, Communities, Institutions, Business Corporations, manufacturers, Technological Components, and big nations.
3-Global Variables in Non-Biological Systems refer to the Constitution or Legislation of a country, the Strategy of Organization, and an Operational Structure for high-tech Products.
4-Global Variables in Biological Systems refer to Program codes beyond Instincts within the Subconsciousness.  
The high growth rate of Invisible Entities on the evolutionary path of system performances can modify Biological and Non-Biological Systems so that it causes high mortality rates across the worldwide community. Systems Owners need to change unethical Global Variable Structure together with unfriendly Economic Perspectives in the domain of a Competitive World and then convert Centralized Control into a Decentralized Control Strategy for Harmonious Balance in Biological and Non-Biological Systems.
Optimal Global Variables can detect and identify a heterogeneous environment associated with a common-sense knowledge base. Set the value of Harmonic Balance within internal and external resources before articulating Global Variables. Ignore codes from the Competitive World, eliminate Social Hypocrisy, and fortify Solidarity Parameters. Harmonic Balance among internal and external resources creates Comprehensive Economic Development for the system framework in the long term.

This research is dedicated to the Supervisor of the Realm of Global Consciousness because the Designer of Biological Systems completely understands the case study. He can judge and determine common pitfalls by analyzing the data accuracy for this project during the past 25 years.


The Frequency Converter in the Subconscious Component

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