Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Irrational and Rational Approaches Determine System Behavior

Many dynamic factors contribute to the presence of invisible entities in system platforms. Often, the complexity of these systems arises from the setting of parameters in Global Variables, which are influenced by sociological and anthropological perspectives. An irrational approach to managing these factors can exacerbate complexity as the following description:
1. Unreliable route guidance instructions and inaccurate system information may be articulated for execution into the system input.
2. Performance information flows into the system input without considering availability constraints.
3. Unpredictable information processes an unaccountable context of knowledge across the system boundary.
Conversely, a rational approach can lead to successful system development. The controller should optimize daily routines, strategic asset allocation, and Global Variables with a focus on:
1. Employee Satisfaction.
2. Customer Value Proposition.
3. Ensuring product quality.
4. Analysis of the standard of raw materials.
5. Goal setting for a marketing plan and identifying the business process model.
6. Ensuring standardization in the IT platform.
7. Product Benchmarking to create transparency.

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