Monday, October 2, 2023

The Domain of Higher Consciousness and Decisions

The high frequencies in the Domain of Higher Consciousness can generate optimal decision models to eliminate unrealistic options for resolving and assessing a critical framework. Therefore, the network of the Cooperative Instinct protects attributes within a decision map by promoting the highest vibration. The Network of the Competitive Instinct can minimize a low-vibration alignment of Instincts, and then a decision map fulfills ethical codes.

A Higher Consciousness can be obtained through a deep meditation process, desired manifestation for self-realization, a harmonious balance between the Superego/ Ego Framework, and daily Practice with the Network of the Cooperative Instinct.
Regular meditation and positive manifestation can flow and wake the Domain of higher consciousness when the Optimal Belief System targets the Network of the Cooperative Instinct with genuine intentions and desires in the Subconsciousness.  

The Disbelief System focuses on self-experimentation, liberating oneself from indoctrination, brainwashing, and manipulations so that it would not focus and empower the correlation of a meditation process with positive manifestation to achieve a Higher Consciousness.
A Disbelief System (Suboptimal Belief) vibrates low energy among Instincts within the Network of the Competitive Instinct, and the Sub-bass frequencies signal range activates offensive Instincts; consequently, the Decision-making Map can contain suboptimality in the Conscious Component.  Environmental Codes can coexist with the characteristics of the Belief System and instance parameters of the Instinct Component.
Manifestation creates an idea of a good human being into reality through optimal Decision-Making Patterns and generates a Higher Consciousness Mode.
The Optimal Belief System can empower the function beyond the vibration frequency range of Clairaudience/ Clairvoyance within the Subconscious Component.

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