Thursday, November 2, 2023

The Paradox of a Revenge Instinct

This Interdisciplinary Research focuses on homeostasis control systems within the Survival and Revenge Instincts in Open-loop conditions. When the Old Open-loop for Revenge Instinct encounters Overload Signals, the Instance parameters of the Old Open-loop Instinct transmit an Interrupt Signal to the Homeostatic Regulated System. Interrupt Signal encapsulates a property profile of Revenge Instinct in the Open-loop conditions with a long interval.
The Revenge Instinct is part of the Network of the Competitive Instinct. The Survival Instinct calls and activates an Open-loop Cycle within the Revenge Instinct when external entities mistreat Humans in environmental contexts. Processing Cycles target hostile actions against outer opponents to restore Closed-loop Conditions within the Subconscious Component.
Algorithmic codes beyond the Instance of the Revenge Instinct are resilient, and default programming codes can achieve a Closed-loop Cycle of the mode through a specific time interval when environmental circumstances can change from aggression to friendship or elimination of antagonist. However, with the possible increase in tensions, the intervening period would extend to an unspecific stage. Thus, the Open-loop Cycles can be allocated in the domain of the Old Open-loop instance within the Revenge Instinct. The Old Open-loop Cycle Mode requests the Survival Instinct to support Humans from severe life threats. Therefore, algorithmic codes beyond survival instinct call for offensive instincts to operate in closed-loop conditions.
In the worst-case scenario, Opponents may also possess the domain of Old Open-loop Cycles and stay in the same environment, and the complexity between them is still unresolved.
At this juncture, multiple survival instincts of adversaries call for an unknown number of aggressive instincts for closed-loop conditions and create chaos/ calamities in social contexts. 
Closed-loop cycle modes are part of default codes beyond the Revenge Instinct, providing calmness in the Conscious Component.
The Chain of Mutual Revenge between two group adversaries can activate, perpetuate, and develop massive unknown vicious Instincts through the Network of Competitive Instinct within the Subconscious Component. The vicious cycles would generate unprecedented events in Social Contexts.  
Social Anxiety causes the perpetuation of multiple Old Open-loop Cycles, a Vigorous Ego Structural Strength, and creates an unknown number of aggressive Instincts. Changing default values of the Subconscious Framework can obstruct algorithmic codes beyond the Conscious Component to support logical decision-making patterns.
According to an observational study, current environmental circumstances lead to uncertainty and anguish on the evolutionary path of life because suboptimal decision-making patterns can aggravate confusion and cause moral dilemmas to deteriorate human rights in Social Contexts in the future.
The source of Social Anxiety is economic perspectives and the most potent status in Universal Competition. The Survival Instinct of Global Elites and Influential Decision-makers is called the Network of Competitive Instinct for Survival. Activated Offensive Instances without logical codes in the Subconscious Component execute and establish complicated principles underlying phenomena in Social Contexts by maximizing the Centralized Control System.
Influential decision-makers behind global competition can zombify Earth's inhabitants through the unjustified collateral damage of war with environmental destruction, poverty, deprivation, and health disparities. The zombification process within the operations of the system platforms and hypocrisy in the special treatment of humans can be identified as signs and factors beyond Social Anxiety.
According to an observational study, the goal of the human species on Earth Planet is to achieve a harmonic balance between the ego and superego frameworks. Instincts must instantiate optimal loading principles for decision models through the Subconscious Component. The number of Active/ Inactive Instincts identifies ideal mechanisms of the Instinct Component. Besides, the value of accumulated logical data in the Conscious Component can demonstrate and evaluate the excellent decisions of life experiences on the evolutionary path.
Humans have delusions about their lifetime and the successful Mission Accomplishment Plan because of data Suboptimality in the Subconscious Framework and Environmental Parameters perpetuated by Global Variables (Constitutions).
Humans can hardly believe in Invisible Entities because they never touch and see abstract parameters, so they would scarcely experience the paranormal and ultimate forces. Human lives are controlled through unique frequency codes beyond the Subconscious Component, Metaphysical aspects, and powerful Energetic Vibrations.
Academic research boundaries are constrained in studying the paranormal field due to immeasurable program coding and infinite possibilities of unknown data type ranges; therefore, information about mystical parameters is reduced forcefully and practically unattainable for humans.
The visual abstract of phenomena and disbelief in the powerful hidden frequency within Global Consciousness can challenge humans to be confident in their decision-making models in harsh environments, so the vigorous Ego Framework becomes decisive for survival and activates aggressive instincts in the Subconscious Component. The Superego structure can diminish strength through time intervals and generate chaotic situations in Social Contexts.

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