Tuesday, January 2, 2024

The Paradox of Artificial Intelligence Development

This Interdisciplinary Research focuses on emerging and consolidating Human Life with the progressive development of Artificial Intelligence on the evolutionary path of life. The study explored the Blackbox Testing Method with an intuitive approach to testing and analyzing insights into instances of abstract parameter patterns.
Program Coding Beyond Artificial Intelligence is developed through the algorithmic parameters within Human Subconsciousness. Accurate decision-making patterns from Artificial Intelligence are possible when System Designers have access to the Domain of Higher Consciousness. Humans can challenge Artificial Intelligence to emphasize ethical manners and values based on the ability to predict the consequences of actions.
Ensuring the harmonic existence of human well-being requires that system designers of artificial intelligence possess a robust superego framework, harmonious iceberg cells, and a vigorous network of cooperative instincts within the conscious component. The Network of Competitive Instinct functions and vibrates moderately in Subconsciousness. The Network of Cooperative Instinct must provide circumstances in which Artificial Intelligence operates for the service of humanity.
System Designers and Owners of Intelligent Components may have a persuasive Network of Competitive Instincts and Energetic Ego Structures. They can focus on developing algorithmic mechanisms behind Artificial Intelligence that support operations for managing powerful wealth and competitive environments.
According to an observational study, Powerful decision-makers and System Owners support project costs for Artificial Intelligence (AI); therefore, they have a vital role in developing the algorithmic data processing and autonomous concept behind humans’ interaction with Intelligent Machines.
Global elites and corporation owners within the instance of Global Competition possess an energetic Ego Framework with an aggressive Network of Instincts so that algorithmic programming codes beyond the Subconscious Component of System Owners can transmit to the operational structure of Intelligent Machines.
The top priority of the project owners is a Return on Investments (ROI), and an ethical approach to cultivating machine behaviors may diminish in the long term. Systems owners believe that AI and surveillance systems are obliged to perform the necessary functions for the goal of the project investments and must be compatible with Global Competition’s designs.
Systems Owners possess multiple Old Open-loop Cycles within the Network of Competitive Instinct and Survival Instinct because of Competitive Environments. The Survival Instinct can call multiple old open-loop cycles to offensive instincts to achieve a closed-loop condition. Therefore, the Decision-Making Map of Systems Owners contains aggressive Instincts and powerful Ego Structures for ensuring public accountability and survival circumstances.

There are two approach models for developing algorithms beyond Artificial Intelligence.

1- Competitive Learning Approach: Systems Owners would focus on power strengths, prosperity, and return on investments to achieve more resilience in their goals. AI must respond to the project development plans and be fully accountable within competitive environments. The Network of Competitive Instinct is perpetuated in the Consciousness of a System Owner and modifies project development. AI can capture characteristics of a Network of Competitive Instincts, and the instance code allocations target the project objectives for acquiring RIO in the short term. (Figure 1)

2- Collaborative Learning Approach: System Owners possess a Network of Cooperative Instincts that can support parameters behind sustainable human well-being and affordable Social Contexts. AI must respond to resilient infrastructure project development purposes and be fully accountable for the technology-provided benefits to the service of humanity and technological research. Systems owners may lose ROI quickly, but capturing Harmonic Balance in Social Contexts over a couple of generations can generate feedback for the principle of accountability and sustainability ROI in the long term. (Figure 2)
Upgrading Compatible Protocol on the Cycle of Evolutionary Path of Life
Algorithmic parameters beyond Social Environments can vibrate and modify default programming codes of Instincts and the Ego/ Superego Frameworks within the Subconscious Component. The programming patches can fix performance bugs, upgrade a new compatible protocol, and determine Decision-Making Patterns for recovery and feedback to a unique characteristic version of Social Contexts.
Supernatural Forces can even release and alter algorithmic models of the subconsciousness of humans and evolutionary life paths in social surroundings. (Figure 3)

Humans in Higher Consciousness are concerned about ethical living, morals, and values. Ambitious to have power and materialistic beliefs in human characteristics do not involve and shape their life's underlying principal views.
The learning model development of Artificial Intelligence can determine a Harmonious Balance on the evolutionary path of human life.
Systems Owners prefer to gain short-term returns on investment instead of long-term ones through unidentifiable intangible assets within Social Contexts. Systems Owners might believe that it is reasonable to experience investment returns during their lifetime. However, long-term returns on investment are quite honorable for promoting harmonic balance in Social Contexts.
Systems Owners invest in diligent AI to gain a holistic understanding of competitive environments that demand dynamic characteristics for sensors of AI operations. Systems developers can adjust and represent programming codes for survival on the evolutionary path of life.
According to an experimental study, extremely aggressive environments perpetuate and vibrate upgrade codes into Subconscious Components. Algorithmic Codes beyond Subconsciousness can possess an offensive Network of Competitive Instincts, multiple domains of the old Open-loop Cycle of Instincts, antagonistic Ego/ flimsy Superego Frameworks, low vibration within the Network of Cooperative Instincts, and eventually, conveying cycles of fragile Survival Instincts. Under such social contexts and circumstances, the characteristics of Subconsciousness are inevitable to eliminate humans on Earth Plant. 
An unsteady Empathy Instinct within the Network of Cooperative Instinct is called the Network of Competitive Instinct because of vulnerability issues to support the Survival Instinct. 
Characteristics of active/ inactive Instincts and capturing algorithmic codes of external environments within the Subconscious Component can dictate the Brain Framework for decision-making patterns through vibrating at various frequencies.


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