Saturday, April 13, 2024

Social Hypocrisy and Intangible Factors in Decisions

Social Hypocrisy can obstruct distinct basic instincts and hold them in starvation modes. Therefore, instinct deprivations cause and create Old Open-loop cycles in the Subconscious Component. The Component Instinct always processes and signals unrelated instincts to execute and perpetuate codes in the Decision-Making Map, which are incompatible with social needs and requests from the domain of Old Open-loop Cycles.
The Open-loop Cycle of instincts stays in a vicious cycle, and the Closed-loop posture may hardly establish conditional mode.
The substructure codes of the Ego Framework call and challenge the Survival Instinct to activate unassociated instincts to align and promote the Network of Cooperative Instincts, environmental needs, and unhealthy lifestyles.
Hypocrisy is a part of social life, and instances of its algorithmic codes function as defense mechanisms to protect humanity. Activated unnatural instincts, which are related to survival needs, execute hypocritical outcomes. Unnatural instincts are unaligned with realistic data within the Conscious Component. Therefore, Hypocrisy can hinder Logical Data and target to call aggressive instincts for survival. It prevents rational algorithms from processing into The Decision-Making Map. The domain of the Old Open-loop cycle of instincts becomes a burden of malnutrition, and it perpetuates illusive codes in the Decision-Making Patterns. Eventually, Social Contexts can aggravate chaos and exacerbate the adverse effects of the absurdity of Social Behaviors. 
Global Hypocrisy is designed and constructed by influence decision-makers and global elites for competitive advantages and harmonious balance within a worldwide economy.  However, algorithmic codes beyond Global Hypocrisy can modify and undermine the sustainable development of humans on a large scale throughout life.
Universal Hypocrisy at the Core of the World
Long-term execution of algorithmic codes beyond Social Hypocrisy can generate and vibrate Chronic Hypocrisy. The phenomenon can modify the social community and characteristics of the entire Instinct Component and the Subconscious/Conscious Component. Systems Owners generate Social Hypocrisy to gain Competitive advantages through Global Variables so that Social Contexts encapsulate hypocritical codes and principles of rulers/influential decision-makers. System Elements can practice and make decisions according to characters of global variables. The Decision-Making Map contains codes contrary to the nature of the Subconscious Component and the free belief system. Low trust/ unethical manners can deteriorate social credibility and standard values within System environments. The outcome of chronic social hypocrisy and deceptions can remodify and readjust Global Variables of System Platforms into multiple-phase transitions and perpetuate Universal Hypocrisy at the Core of the World.
Offensive instincts can execute and trigger decision-making maps when harsh environmental conditions and unpredictable disturbances develop in human life. A decision-making map can possess and execute antagonistic codes regardless of robust logical Data in the Conscious Component and a few domains of old Open-loop Cycles in the past. Consequently, almost all humans capture, invoke, and automate aggressive parameters within decision-making maps.
Humans possess inherent algorithmic codes that extend beyond Instincts, which govern with Favorable and Unfavorable codes, and instances of Functional Mechanisms of Instincts execute and embed parameters within the Decision-Making Map. The algorithmic codes behind the Belief System can process and modify the dialogue outcome of the Ego/ Superego Frameworks to allocate optimal codes in the Subconscious Component that navigate individuals through various choices. The self-perpetuated mechanism of the Conscious Component is modifying decision patterns by the Logical Codes. Therefore, decision patterns unfold and reflect an aggregating cycle of instincts, which instantiate the Belief System, properties of Iceberg Cells, and Logical Codes of Consciousness.
According to the following statements, humans may need to be aware of the perpetuation and encapsulation of algorithmic codes in the decision-making map.

1-How many Active/Inactive instincts are executed to decide in the Subconscious Component?
2- How long is the starvation process within the Old Open-loop Cycle of the instincts?
3-What outcome would vibrate in the Iceberg-Cells?
4-What algorithmic structures could possess beyond the Belief System in the Subconscious Component?
5- What optimal principles are acquired within Logical Data in the Conscious Component?
Each component of the Decision-Making Map contributes to allocating characteristics that mold individuals' responses and behaviors.
1-Humans are endowed with inherent algorithmic codes that extend beyond instincts within Subconsciousness. 2-The Belief System starts as a blank slate at birth, devoid of codes, and accrues them progressively for one's lifetime. 3-The Ego Framework is characterized by a consistent set of algorithmic codes from birth. 4-The Superego Framework begins its journey devoid of codes at birth and gradually assimilates them throughout life. 5- At inception, logical data lacks codes acquired moderately along life's evolutionary journey. 6- The domain of the Old Open-loop Cycle of Instincts at birth is devoid of codes and gradually captures numbers of Open-loop Cycle of Instincts through life path.

Hypocrisy is contagious when exploring survival mode and pursuing competitive advantages to approach accountability in distinct ways within Social Contexts.

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