Thursday, September 26, 2024

The paradoxical algorithms of the Survival Instinct

The paradoxical nature of the Survival Instinct possesses friendly and unfriendly functions within the Subconscious Component. The favorable algorithmic codes operating beyond the Survival Instinct play a vital protective role, safeguarding humans from external threats. Instincts in Open-loop cycles can invoke the Survival Instinct when they need to complete a Closed-loop cycle mode, mainly when resource starvation was allocated previously within the domain of the old Open-loop instinct. The Survival Instinct, in turn, engages, rescues, and calls other proactive instincts to process and fulfill Closed-loop requirements.
However, adverse algorithmic codes beyond the domain of the old open-loop cycle of Survival Instinct can send false signals of the Open-loop cycle to other instincts that possessed previously the old open-loop cycle instincts for a long time so that perpetuating fake processing codes evolve into a vicious cycle within the Instinct Component because external entities do not stimulate instincts for an open-loop processing cycle. As a result, decision-making is unnecessary for responding to fake signals, and it causes a vicious cycle of instincts that leads to self-destruction patterns in humans, disrupting behaviors on the evolutionary journey of life.
Each open-loop processing instinct within the Instinct Component can be assigned to the traditional open-loop instinct cycle domain. The phenomena of allocation in the old open-loop instinct cycle suggests that the open-loop processing cycle failed to reach closed-loop cycle conditions within a single instinct, leaving the designated instinct in starvation mode. Such a condition can negatively impact decision-making patterns, particularly when the designated instinct becomes entangled with future processing cycles. In a worst-case scenario, the decisions of systems owners could worsen conditions and reshape the circumstances in the world.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Assessment of Aggressive Competitive Instincts

An intensely resilient ego structure, coupled with a robust set of aggressive competitive instincts, can significantly enhance human competitiveness and drive influential decision-makers toward their visions. This analysis focuses on the Network of Competitive Instincts among Systems Owners while evaluating the impact of advanced algorithmic codes operating beyond Competitive Instincts within the Subconscious Component.
A distinct benefit of holding highly aggressive algorithmic codes, which undermine instincts, is that preprogrammed codes consistently target measurable objective outcomes and swiftly remove obstacles without hesitation. A massive wicked code with an aggressive network of instincts never compromises with the Network of Cooperative Instincts. A decision-making map can encapsulate unethical and unfriendly codes to achieve competitive advantages. Systems Owners with this mindset are determined to dominate their environment, often employing any means necessary to achieve their objectives. They recognize that success sometimes requires forming alliances only to eliminate later partners who may become future threats due to their intimate knowledge.
Ultimately, these aggressive algorithmic codes extend beyond the Network of Competitive instincts and can lead to disorder and conflict within Social Contexts, creating the potential for tragedy and instability.


Physical Body Manifest Patterns of Conscious and Subconscious Components

The human physical body can manifest characteristics resembling algorithmic patterns extending beyond modules of Conscious and Subconsci...