Sunday, January 18, 2015

Environmental Algorithms Determine Decisions

Babies are Born Innocent and without Sin; however, Social Contexts modify Harmony Balance, Superego, and Superego Adjuster throughout a lifetime. A new characteristic of the Superego can adjust to the Primary and Secondary Instincts. Distinctive Instincts may adapt to the Subconscious Component and transmute negative decision-making Patterns and Social Behavior. New mapping algorithms in decision-making can involve ethical and unethical reasoning. Interacting with an Optimal Superego Adjuster (Optimal Environmental Factors) can lead someone to become a good human being and vice versa.

Harmonic Balance in the Subconscious Component ensures interaction with the Optimal Superego Adjuster. Harmonic Life Context and social factors generate Harmonic Balance in the evolutionary path of life.  
Harmonic Global Variables, articulated by Systems Owners, can ensure Harmonic Structure in Social Contexts. 


The Proxy Brain Framework

The intricate pattern between algorithmic codes held within the Subconscious Component and the physical body is mediated by the proxy Brai...