Monday, November 16, 2015

Logical Data in Consciousness and Open-loop Instinct

Conscious Component can signal processing algorithms, control, and transmit all vital functions in Decision-Making Models. Signal Processing Algorithms develop various patterns and programming styles through Sensory Analysis Cells within Instinct Mechanisms. An Instinct is an inborn complex paradigm of behavior that exists in every member of Biological Systems. Instinct embeds in the genetic pre-programmed in the Subconscious Component, which can execute structural algorithms. Parameters in Social Context can modify Structural algorithms and adjust functional mechanisms through two alternatives of Instinct Modes (Active and inactive Instincts). Most repeated behavior patterns are instinctual, which does not require excellent comprehension. Biological Systems have thousands of invisible Instincts, and each target ensures genetic survival. Optimal parameters in Social Context can be absorbed in the Logical Part of the Conscious Component when good Harmonic Balance is possessed in Consciousness. Ethical Parameters in Social Context can stimulate, modify, and save in the Sensory Analysis System. Eventually, the Logical Part of Consciousness allocates Ethical Principles and Optimal threading algorithms (Intelligent Experiences). External Environments can activate Friendly Instincts and inactivate Bitter Instincts and vice versa. 
Functional Mechanisms of Instinct involve 3 phases of processing. 
 1-It initiates with Open-loop (stimuli). 
2- Prepare for central action (Processing). 
3- Closed-loop (response). 
Long-term interval Open-loop Instinct can cause complexity (Extreme Austere Isolated Instinct). Instance parameters of the Isolated Instinct Cycles modify Decision-Making Models and Social Behavior Patterns. Instinct outbreaks would generate large complex parameter maps on the evolutionary path of human life. Most instincts are inactive and become active along with time intervals through different environmental mechanisms. (Fig 1)
Consistent algorithms in pre-programmed Instinct cells may develop neither new functional capabilities nor empower progressive neural mechanisms. The absence of a coherent Harmonic State in the Conscious Component and Unethical Algorithmic Parameters in Social Contexts would generate Negative Cell Signals within the Sensory Analysis System. Finally, Negative Cells would activate Wicked Instincts and inactivate Healthy Instincts. 
Positive Signaling Inputs from the Sensory Analysis System toward the Instinct Domain can be locked by Open-loop Instincts (Extremely Austere Isolated Instinct) because the mechanism of the Open-loop cycle prevents any Input signals and feedback from the Logical Part of the Brain. Closed-loop Instincts would even prevent positive Signaling Inputs. Certain Instincts may be exhausted from Extreme Austere, Isolated Characters in the past. Therefore, they would generate a domain of an Old Open-loop cycle. (Fig1)
Cell Status in the Logical Part of Consciousness and Instinct status Active and Inactive Instincts- Extreme Austere Isolated Instincts are the only elements determining the Decision-Making Model. Consequently, today's basic Decision-Making Model has analogical mapping with Decision Making Model during periods of ancient history. (Fig 2) 
According to an observational study, the vital principles and factors behind and undergo Decision-Making Models are in the following statements:

1- Algorithmic Parameters in Social Contexts.
2- Harmonic state within Conscious Framework.
3- Optimal Genetic Algorithms and Positive Cell Status in the Logical Part of the Conscious Component.
4- Instinct status can be active or inactive Instinct.
5- The Low Numbers of Old Open-loop Cycles (Extreme Austere Isolated Instincts).
6- A Short time interval for an Open-loop Instinct can diminish Optimal Decision Patterns.
Maintaining a good quality of Decision Making Model and Social Behavior Pattern requires achieving sustainability among principles and factors in Conscious Framework and Social Contexts. Otherwise, the outcome of the Decision-Making Model would generate extremely primitive patterns. For example, Social Context with a Competitive Domain can create and perpetuate complex genetic algorithms within Instinct Domain and Signal Processing. (Fig 2)


Instincts can be activated or inactivated through Social Contexts and Logical Parts of Consciousness. Genetic parameters can modify two alternatives of Instinct Modes. 

External forces can promote and improve signal processing between the Sensory Analysis System and Instinct Domain through Closed-loop Instincts. An external force can refer to psychological methods in Psychotherapy. However, Closed-loop Instinct Cycles are always highly vulnerable to becoming possible Open-loop Instincts in the next cycle.

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