Thursday, November 26, 2015

Austere Instinct Targets a Closed-loop Condition

This study examines the interaction between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Mechanisms beyond the active/inactive Austere Instinct domains, focusing on how extremely austere, isolated, or mild instincts engage with different code-setting mechanisms behind the Ego Framework to achieve a Closed-loop Mode.
Mechanisms in a Social Context
Instance Parameters in a Social Context can configure Secondary Instincts, initiating an Open-loop Cycle (Stimuli). In this process, the Activated Primary Instinct signals the Secondary Instinct to process Social Stimuli.
The dialogue between the Ego and Superego structures saved in the Iceberg Cells can interact with Logical Data stored in the Conscious Component. As a result, Biological Systems make decisions based on dialogue outcomes in Iceberg Cells and accumulated Logical Data beyond the Conscious Component.

Social Stimuli can induce Closed-loop conditions within specific Instincts. However, negative stimuli in social contexts may trigger a back signal, transitioning the system into an Open-loop Mode in designated instances. The negative stimuli imply that the physical body does not process actions, so signals return information to a specific address of instinct through the brain framework. (See Fig. 1)

Long-term Open-loop Cycles in an Instinct can lead to highly austere, isolated Primary Instincts (Old Open-loop Cycle). In some cases, the Ego Defense Mechanism may override Logical Data within the Conscious Component, enforcing a Closed-loop condition without integrating logical reasoning into the Decision-making Map because of the saving starvation process cycle of instinct. The Survival Instinct is used to call the Ego Framework, and aggressive instincts support the starvation process.
A vigorous Ego drive can define algorithmic codes with low rationality within Decision-Making Maps and influence unfriendly social behavior patterns. (See Fig. 2)

1-Persistent conflicts between the Ego and Superego Frameworks can result in an Open-loop cycle, disrupting the Harmonic Balance within the Conscious Component and leading to an unstable Superego defense mechanism.
2- Attributes influencing readiness in the Superego Adjuster include Religion, Life Philosophy, Psychoanalytic Aspects, Austere Lifestyle, Cultural Paradigms, Experimental Knowledge, Ethical Parameters, and Scientific Features.
3- Religion can enhance the Superego’s influence in overcoming the Ego Framework. An optimally functioning Superego structure can activate friendly instincts while inhibiting wicked instincts within the Subconscious Component.

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