Sunday, December 6, 2015

Spiritual Domain beyond Logical Data within the Conscious Component

The logical processes within the Conscious Component can be associated with a Logical Spirit if scientists shift their approach to hypothesis testing around the Human Spirit. Scientists must demonstrate that the physical body can encapsulate the human spirit. In order to validate the hypothesis, various units with subconscious and conscious components must be defined. Through hypothesis testing, fundamental principles may reveal that an instance of logical data signals within the Conscious Component is stored across four logical components, contributing to the essence of the Human Spirit. These logical data signals, shaped over a lifetime, can determine innate goodness or innate darkness, influencing both existence and the afterlife identity. (Fig. 1, 2)
The Four Components of the Subconscious Logical Data Model:
1-Ego Framework
2-Superego Structure
3-Instincts characteristics (Active and Inactive)
4-Belief System Model


According to the hypothesis of the threads behind the Instinct Domain, a Supernatural Force may monitor and define human genetic susceptibility, innate goodness, or innate darkness through vibrational frequencies within the Subconscious Component. Furthermore, after death, this process may continue to be identified through analysis of the Logical Data Models within the Conscious Component.

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