Sunday, December 20, 2015

The Analogy Between Spiritual Entity and Black Box Framework

This case study focuses on Logical Data Structure, which encapsulates Biological and Non-Biological Systems. The bottom line is that we can explore Semantic Data Integration and common aggregation mechanisms between Spiritual entities and the Black Box Framework through the Analogical Reasoning Model.
The Logical Data Structure can function in Biological and Non-Biological Systems in either Binary Executable forms or Electrochemical Signals. A Conscious Component and a Black Box Entity can collect information about behavior procedures. The data explores recovering during a lifetime measurement or relating to mass extinction. Logical Data can retrieve the concrete domain of system performances and track overall system conditions. It clarifies pattern recognition in Human Social Behavior and Operational Information systems. Non-biological systems execute codes and operate in particular ways according to the Global Logical Data Structure, which Systems Owners articulate. Conceptual Data Modeling and Operational Algorithms can even identify the path of System Behaviors earlier. 
Systems Owners might monitor Logical Data Structure in the event of operational failure. System Developers must modify either Failure Codes or Operational Concepts. The Logical Data structure plays a crucial role in identifying failure system conditions. For example, Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation monitor Flight Data Recorder (Black Box). Logical Data Structure must be scrutinized by experts to detect complex parameters. Logical Data Structure determines troubleshooting steps and how a failure code aggregates during operations. 
Biological Systems make Decisions according to active and inactive Instincts and status characteristics in Ego Algorithms, Superego Domain, and the influence of Genetic Parameters. Logical Data Structure allocates an instance of the Subconscious Component.
Hypothetical Spiritual Entities and Logical Data Structures can encapsulate and integrate a physical body. Therefore, the Logical Data structure in the Conscious Framework would manifest Decision Models earlier during the lifetime and after death. 
Specific common attributes between Spiritual Entity and Black Box Framework are described as follows:
1-Logical Data is Instance Attributes belonging to Spiritual Entity and Black Box Framework. Logical Data in the Physical Domain can restore and reveal information about system performances during life after death.
2- A worn-out Physical Domain transfers to the Graveyard.
3- Logical Data in the Physical Domain preserve the path Patterns of System performances during the lifetime.
4- Instincts are genetic pre-programmed Codes in the Subconscious Framework. Genetic codes in the Subconscious Component can function according to algorithmic parameters in Social Contexts. Software Source Code (Instance Attributes to Black Box) executes and operates in particular ways according to algorithmic parameters in the Global Variable Structure declared by Systems Owners.
5- System Owners articulate Operational Algorithms for systems programming and the path of system operations in Non-biological Systems. Supernatural Force designs Operational Algorithms for genetic pre-programmed Conscious Components in Biological Systems.
6- Both Biological Systems and Non-biological Systems are Pre-programmed Data Structures. 
7- One of the vital assignments for Spiritual Entity and Black Box Framework is Collecting and Restoring Logical Data during lifetime performances. Logical Data reflect and reveal past performances to System Owners. The Logical Data might acknowledge and illustrate possible failure during lifetime performances. 
Analogical reasoning involves the transfer of relational information (relevant knowledge) from a domain that already exists in the world (Source Domain), and it links to the field that needs to be explained (Target Domain). Successful learning and good analogy depend upon some types of similarity between the Source Domain and The Target Domain. The Source Domain (Concrete Domain) is existing knowledge and refers to the Black Box Framework. The Target Domain is a conceptual Domain (Abstract Concept) assigned to the Spiritual Entity. It requires mapping between the Source and Target domains through Logical Data within the Black Box Framework and Spiritual Entity.


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