Saturday, June 9, 2018

Interoperability between the Subconscious and Conscious Component

This Transdisciplinary Research focuses on defining a comprehensive guideline model for determining Algorithmic Codes’ effects on Decision-Making Model. 
The Observational Research investigates how Conscious/Subconscious Mechanisms can interpret, modify, and convert External Codes with various algorithm patterns into Decision-Making maps. 
A guideline model monitors interoperability between the Subconscious and Conscious Components. 
An experimental study exploited the Black Box Testing Method to identify a guideline pattern for monitoring Algorithmic Codes within decision-making. Testing Method traces External Codes and Path Modification Modules within the Conscious/ Subconscious Components. 
The Black Box Technique can target the Superego/ Ego Mechanisms and Aggregated Roadmap for Decision-Making Development-Testing Model examines and identifies the key characteristics of Interoperable Infrastructure between the Subconscious and Conscious Components.
Algorithmic Codes within Social Contexts adjust the Subconscious/ Conscious Framework through Properties of the Genetic Instincts, General Instincts, Gender Instincts, Superego, and Ego Framework. 
Adjustment Codes can perpetuate through different paths into a Decision-Making Map. 
The path options can depend on Properties and Pre-programming Codes for distinct Components within the Subconscious/Conscious Framework.
The Development of Decision-Making Algorithms can also illustrate the Rational/ Irrational path of the Process.
1-Holistic Approach to the Decision-Making Process 

Social Contexts can adopt Decision-Making processes through Human Interactions. 
The Subconscious and Conscious Components can operate within the Human Operating System in proportion to the Brain Mechanism Structure and Pre-programming Codes.
Parameters in Social Contexts can modify the Subconscious/ Conscious Components through the Instinct component according to the following two structures:
1a-Brain Modification through Complexity & Chaotic Parameters in Social Contexts
In the first phase, Complexity and Chaotic Parameters in Social Contexts activate the Survival Instinct. 
In the second phase, The Network of the Competitive Instinct starts through a signal from the Survival Instinct. 
In the third phase, the Network of Competitive Instinct transmits a modification signal to the property of the Ego Framework and an instance of its network (Instincts). (Fig 1)

2b- Brain Modification through Active Strong Superego Adjuster in Social Contexts
In the first phase, the Superego Adjuster within Social Contexts adjusts the property of The Network of the Cooperative Instinct. In the second phase, the Network of Cooperative Instinct becomes active when an energetic Superego Adjuster triggers in Social Contexts. In the third phase, operating the Network of Cooperative Instinct can reshape the property Superego and turn on an instance of its network within the Instinct Component. (Fig 1)
The Superego and Ego Framework always have a dialog with each other for the Decision-Making Model, and the outcome perpetuates within the Iceberg Cell. The Output Dialog Structure can determine how Allocated Dialog Codes within Iceberg Cell can move forward through two Options. It can be the Conscious Component, the Subconscious, and the Main Conscious Compiler. (Fig 1)



2-The Rational Decision-Making Process (Harmonic Balance between the Superego and Ego)
Algorithmic Codes within the Iceberg Cell would process forward to the Conscious Component when there is a Harmonic Balance in the dialog between the Superego and Ego. Framework-Harmonic Balance would instantiate in the Iceberg cells and stimulate the Superego/Ego Framework. 
Persuasive Superego strength would instantiate through an instance of a plausible Superego Adjuster within Social Contexts. 
Conceivable Ego strength would instantiate through an instance of Competitive and chaotic mode within Social Contexts. 
Harmonic Balance in the dialog between the Superego/ Ego Framework generates Codes of Logical Reasoning within the Iceberg Cells. 
Logical Data can be entangled and encapsulated in the Conscious Component so that data Reasoning Processes, suggesting that Codes execute and run for Decision-Making Patterns.
An aggregate of all experience / Knowledge within the Conscious Component can adjust Logical Reasoning, and then modifications can execute Optimal Rational Codes. 
The Conscious Mechanisms can process Optimal Logical Reasoning to Main Brain for synchronizing. 
The ultimate source of knowledge or a higher mode of Consciousness is instance-setting within the Subconscious Component. 
The Memory Component collects a copy of the decision-making map. Parameters within the Optimal Decision-Making Map can aggregate in Map X within the Memory Component. It transmits into a Higher Consciousness and interacts with Supernatural Parameters. (Fig 2)       


3-The Irrational Decision-Making Process (Flimsy Superego & Energetic Ego)   
An imbalance dialog between the Superego/ Ego Framework within the Iceberg Cell can process codes into a Conscious Compiler. The low Algorithmic Codes instantiate and generate Complex Decision-Making Patterns; eventually, chaos subsists in Social Contexts. Non-harmonic balance in the Iceberg Cell would process Suboptimal Codes into the Main Conscious Compiler. Non-harmonic balance in the Iceberg Cell prevents the connection between the Conscious and Subconscious Components. (Fig 3)     

4-The Irrational Decision-Making Process (Energetic Superego & Flimsy Ego)
An imbalance dialog between the Superego/ Ego Framework within the Iceberg Cells can process codes into a Conscious Compiler. The low Algorithmic Codes instantiate and generate Complex Decision-Making Patterns. A Non-Harmonic Balance in the Iceberg Cell prevents the connection between Conscious and Subconscious Components. The energetic Superego calls and transmits a signal to the Network of Cooperative Instinct and Superego Adjuster for modifying Logical Data within the Conscious Component. The possessive Decision-Making Patterns can cause Humans to become reclusive hermits. (Fig4) 



The Role of Social Contexts in Decision-Making
The Decision-Making Process can develop through Social Environments on the evolutionary path of life. The Subconscious Component explores the decision-making process when poor life experiences and a lack of wisdom surround humans. Logical Data in the Conscious Component would hardly entangle in Decisions.
The prosperous life experiences and knowledge within Social Contexts positively stimulate the Superego and Ego Framework so that Harmonic Balance subsists in the Iceberg Cell with a sustainable Decision-Making Model.
Optimal Iceberg cells can increase and improve interoperability between the Subconscious and Conscious Components. However, The Subconscious Component can execute a decision process due to the domain of suboptimality in Iceberg cells (Logical Data would not be involved in Decisions). (Fig 5)
Suboptimal Resource Allocation and Open-loop systems can suggest the Complexity and properties of Chaotic Maps in the System Platform.
One of the goals of Human Life on earth is to develop Harmonious Balance within Iceberg Cells. The domain of the Iceberg cell shows Harmonious balance when Superego and Ego can adopt similar power settings balance. Harmonic Balance within an Iceberg Cell can enhance analysis Capability and Awareness within the Conscious Component. Eventually, the ultimate source of knowledge in the Conscious Component can generate a higher consciousness. Brain Mechanism can activate and modify Instinct Transceiver when a more elevated consciousness mobilizes within the Conscious Component. An instinct Transceiver can create a transparent universe for Humans.

Energetic Superego/Ego can ensure a Rational Dialog Structure between the Superego/ Ego Framework. Besides, it safeguards Optimal Feasible Reasoning within the Conscious Component. 
The energetic Ego Framework can empower through Complexity and chaotic Status in Social Environments. Complex Parameters within Social Contexts can adjust and trigger Survival Instinct. The Survival Instinct is called the Network of the Competitive Instinct. A Signal transfers from an active Competitive Instinct to its own Instance Instincts and Ego within Iceberg Cell. The Survival Instinct was pre-programmed in the Subconscious Component before the Age of Antiquity because of the distinction that characterizes coexistence with nature. The Energetic Ego-strength with the general self-regulatory property is always active within Iceberg cells. 
The Supernatural Force can stimulate Complex Parameters within the Competitive World for empowering the need to sustain Ego empowerment. At the same time, the Supernatural Force can trigger instance parameters within the Superego Adjuster concerning keeping Superego empowerment. 
Energetic Ego/Superego strength can enhance Harmonic Balance within the Iceberg Cells so that it perpetuates Algorithmic Codes towards Conscious components. Rational Dialog Structure within Conscious Component can generate Higher Conscious long-term.
The energetic Superego and Flimsy Ego can lead to self-imposed isolation and Social Austerity. An Irrational Dialog Structure between the Superego and Ego Framework would perpetuate in the Decision-Making Process through Iceberg Cells. 
A Persuasive Superego strength leads humans to participate in Irregular Social Activities; therefore, it can lead to suboptimal outcomes and Exceptional Experiences in everyday life. 
An Inspiring Superego Adjuster can adopt the Network of Cooperative Instinct and its instance parameters in the Subconscious Component. An Inspirational Network of Cooperative Instinct and its instance parameters can provide feedback and perpetuate an Energetic, Strong Superego.

The vital purpose of being on the earth is to create interoperability between the Subconscious and Conscious Components through Harmonic Balance within the Iceberg cells. Interoperability can promote and develop Decision-Making Algorithms and Social Behavior. 
Discrepancies between Genetic and General Instincts. The Genetic Instincts are Automated Program Codes instantiated in Subconscious Software. They function regardless of External Environments. General Instincts Inactivated Program Codes that can trigger the Subconscious Component through external stimuli in Social Contexts. Instance parameters in External Environments can either activate or inactivate instances of General Instincts. The Gender Instincts are Automated Program Codes that can stimulate through External Environments.
Previous Experience/ Knowledge in the Conscious Component can analyze and evaluate criteria in the Conscious Component. Optimal Logical Reasoning Codes can be reused and executed for the later Decision-Making Map through a Conscious Compiler. 
According to an experimental study, Humans have symmetric relations of Pre-programming Paradigms to Robotic Creatures. Logical Data in the Conscious Component can function through stimulation within External Environments.
Multiple Harmonic Patterns within System Inputs and Resources can spotlight and manifest in System Outputs.
An Energetic Superego can inspire, pursue, and lead to the path of life in the Hermitage. Gaining more Life Experiences and Valuable Knowledge through Ethical Social Contexts on the evolutionary roadway of activities can produce a Vigorous Superego and Flimsy Ego Framework.
Pre-programming Codes within Iceberg Cell can determine if interoperability exists between the Superego/ Ego Framework. The Harmonic Balance between the Superego/ Ego Framework executes codes for interoperable infrastructure for the Optimal Decision-Making Mechanism.
The number of Open-loop instances, time intervals for a single Closed-loop, and duration of the Open-loop Cycle within the instance component can determine how much Ego strength can be empowered and gained by Open-loops. Multiple Old Open-loops and an Energetic Ego can instantiate an Offensive Ego Framework. It suggests that an aggressive Ego would call and activate the Network of Competitive Instinct and adjust the Properties of Iceberg Cells. The adjustment can alter the Decision Making Model and Social Behavior. 
Humans encounter different levels of complexity during their course of life. A Harmonic Balance between the Ego/ Superego Frameworks and Optimal Instincts in the Subconscious Component can resolve chaotic unpredictability and complicated issues on the evolutionary paths leading from Social Configurations and Potential Outcomes.
Sexual drive can inspire, promote, and influence the growth of the Ego on the evolutionary path of life. The decline of sexual tendency caused the Ego Framework to become feeble and strengthen the Superego Structure. The high progressive level of Ego development can pursue unprotected sexuality. In other words, humans would hardly be concerned about possible health threats and social reputations when the domain of Old Open-loop Cycles entangled in the Sexual Instinct.










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