This Interdisciplinary Research outlines a comprehensive guideline model
for the Default Properties of Free Will and Human Destiny. The observational
research focuses on identifying functional mechanisms beyond Free Will and the
forceful role of Destiny in human life. Instance Parameters of Free Will and
Human Destiny can instantiate broad algorithmic structures within the
Decision-Making Map.
The Black Box Testing Method exploits through experimental study to
identify a guideline model for illustrating the Default Properties of Free Will
and Human Destiny. The Testing examines and identifies the key characteristics
of Free Will and Human Destiny through Conscious/ Subconscious and External
Entities outside of Social Contexts.
Free will is the capacity to select the best possible Decision for a
course of action without the engagement of External Entities.
The absence of Open-loop Instincts, optimal Genetic Instincts, a
vigorous Cooperative Instinct, homogeneous Social Contexts, and Harmonious
Balance within Iceberg Cells can ensure the involvement of Conscious components
in the Decision-Making Pattern. The Conscious Component can
process Closed-loop conditions within Instincts through a logical Data
Rational parameters in the Conscious Component process the nature of
freedom of action, and it protects the capacity to make choices. Logical
Parameters in Conscious Component analyze and monitor a broad constraint for
protecting Decisions and Open-loop Instinct Cycles. Rational Parameters can
also execute an array data structure with the best possible solution within
the Decision-Making Map.
The instance parameters of Decision-Making within Social Contexts can
instantiate an array of Free Will and a course of action
without the engagement of External Entities on the evolutionary path of life.
Multiple Old Open-loop Instincts, insignificant Genetic Instincts, a
starving Survival Instinct, a persuasive Competitive Instinct, an Emaciated
Superego, a Steady Ego Framework, and heterogeneous Social Contexts can pave
the way for the involvement of the Subconscious Component in the Decision-Making
Multiple Module Functions within the Subconscious Component can attenuate
the Capacity of Freewill. The program code behind Multiple Module Functions can
respond to all requirement types within Open-loop Instincts, generate Positive
Feedback to Ego Mechanisms, and sustain Harmonic Balance among Instincts for
Closed-loop conditions. A subconscious component can process
Closed-loop Modes without a logical data control mechanism. Irrational
Parameters beyond Functional Mechanisms can also execute an array of data
structures without the best possible solution within the Decision-Making Map.
Therefore, the Decision-Making Pattern through the Subconscious always has
suboptimal Outputs. Incompatible Choices can respond to Irrational Requirements
within Open-loop Instincts. Eventually, instance parameters of Decision-Making
within Social Contexts can instantiate an array of human destinies on
the evolutionary path of life. Humans can encounter an Infinite loop, Unpredictable
Outputs, and Inconsistent Events on the trail of life.
The Conscious Component Can Create Free
Decision-Making Map through the Conscious Component can develop harmony
and sustain within Social Contexts and align with the Target-based Model of
Social Environments. The outcome of the alignment can modify and improve
Unpredictable Entities to Predictable Entities (Fig 1).
The complete collection of Predictable Entities within Social Contexts
can process, capture, and achieve an Ultimate Goal. Free Will can
manifest objective Decision-Making and Predictable Outputs on the evolutionary
path of life. The logical data within the Conscious Component can detect
predictable Outputs for the Ultimate Goal. (Fig 1)
The Subconscious can generate a predetermined course of events (Human Destiny).
The Decision-making Map through the Subconscious Component can instantiate and
establish the Ultimate Goal when Open-loop Instincts, Survival Instinct, the
Network of Competitive Instinct, and Ego Framework within the Subconscious
Component target just requirements and accountability for conditions within
Closed-loop Instincts. The instance of the Decision Map contains a code of Ego
enforcement and offensive Competitive Instincts.
The Target-based Model within Social Contexts can hardly meet the
Instance Parameter Requirements because of compatibility issues related to the Property
Nature of the Target-based Model. However, Parameter Requirements can aim and
capture Unpredictable Social Entities to provide alignment options and respond
to Open-loop Instances. Compatibility Issues and Entangled Adjustment with
Social Entities might even instantiate Uncertainty, Chaos, and Unpredictable
Events. The Side effects of Uncertainty and Chaos within Social Contexts are
Infinite Loops, Unpredictable Modes, and Complicated Settings on the
Evolutionary Path of Life.
An infinite loop on the Evolutionary Path of Life can manifest Human
Destiny, and the brain framework can detect Unpredictable and Inevitable
Outputs, Inconsistent Events, and Infinite loops (Fig 2).
The best possible Course of Action can
be embedded into the Decision-Making Map.
The Decision-Making Map must encapsulate Goal-setting/ Logical Parameters
(Predictable Inputs) through the Conscious Component. Goal setting suggests that
Social Contexts can respond to objective Parameters and Predictable Outputs on
the evolutionary path of life. Besides, Humans can configure Goal
setting through Logical Parameters through the Conscious Component. Creating Logical Parameters in
Social Environments can challenge people to exercise logical behavior. Logical
Parameters within the Decision-Making Map are measurable, attainable, and relevant
to the Property of the Target-based Model within Social Contexts. Rational
Parameters within the Conscious Component aim and prioritize the underlying
vital goals for humans on the evolutionary path of life. Besides, they ignore
the requirements of Closed-loop Instinct Conditions and Harmony Balance within
the Ego Framework (Fig3).
The Subconscious Component can perpetuate
and deliver Human Destiny Empowerment.
Decision-Making Map encapsulates Specific Demand
Parameters for resource satisfaction within Subconscious Component. For
example, the Decision-Making Map aggregates Demand Parameters for Open-loop
Instinct Modes for responding to the needs of the Ego Framework, and it can
generate Unpredictable Inputs in Social Contexts. Therefore, Humans can hardly
set an objective goal through the logical Data within the Conscious Component
because internal Data are barely compatible with the properties of the
Target-based Model in Social Contexts. (Fig 4)
An Irrational Goal through the Subconscious
can manifest Complex Outputs in Social Contexts.
Demand Parameters within the Decision Making Map through the Subconscious
Component have hardships aligning with the Property of a Target-based Model
within Social Contexts because of Compatibility Issues. A Random Process would
perpetuate Uncertainty and Chaos within Social Contexts. The Side-effects of
Uncertainty Events and Chaos within Social Contexts are Infinite Loops and
Unpredictable Modes on the Evolutionary Path of Life. Decision Makers can experience a sense of a predetermined course of
events, which implies a sense of destiny adventure (Fig 5).

Unpredictable Events can be processed despite a Rational Algorithm within
Decision Making Map.
Supernatural Entities can modify with force the Structure of Social
Properties that influence Human Fate through subsistence Lifestyle Courses.
Modification Force can convert Predictable Social Entities to Unpredictable
Social Entities within Social Contexts. The force of adoption can alter
Goal-setting to Unpredictable Events. Finally, an Infinite Output is generated
because of Unpredictable Events in Social Domains. Side-effects of Infinite
Output can manifest dilemmas, Inconsistent Events, and Complexity in Social
Contexts. Insignificant Dilemmas may cause Decision-Makers to experience a
sense of destiny on the evolutionary path of life (Fig 6).
Analogical Inferences between Conscious Component and Predictable Social
Analogical Reasoning can identify explanatory structure from a known
system (the source) to a new and unknown system (the target). Analogical
Reasoning is a mapping between two different architectures that belong to
similar or distinct domains.
A known system in this study is Predictable Social Entities within
a Social Context (the source). The unknown system is the Conscious Component (the
target). (Fig 7)
Analysts can recognize an
analogy between two objects by comparing internal attributes within them. In other
words, using logical parameters in Consciousness can generate a distinguished
analogy between Conscious Component and Social Context. A decent similarity can
pave the way to identifying explanatory structure from a known system (the
source) to a new and unknown system (the target). Realistic Decisions consider
understanding and comparing trade-offs between domains within the Conscious
Component and Scope of Social Contexts. Substantial similarity among fields
implies an Optimal Decision-Making Model.
According to an observational study, distinct subcomponents within the
Conscious Component can target to produce similar stability related to
Algorithmic Properties that allocate within Predictable Social Entities. System analysts can identify the Mechanism Characteristics
of the Conscious Component after a specific Decision-Making Pattern. However, the Conscious Mechanisms would instantiate
semantic and similar attributes within Predictable Social Entities. Algorithmic
Properties can develop through the process of Decision-Making maps. (Fig 7)
Successful analogical inferences between Property in Decision Making Map
and Property in Predictable Social Entities can ensure and manifest goal
achievement, predictability, Consistency, and Optimal Resolution within Social
Contexts. Decision-makers can experience a sense of Free Will on the
evolutionary path of life. (Fig 7)
Instance Conscious Attributes (Target) within Social Contexts search to
integrate with instance Attributes of Predictable Social Entities (Source).
Outstanding Dialogue between Target and Source can create an exceptional
integration state. Desire inferences and Predictive Outputs can instantiate
because of the unique Integration. (Fig 7)

The subconscious Component Would Instantiate Unpredictable Outputs.
Instance Subconscious Attributes within Social Contexts (Target) search
to integrate with instance Attributes of Unpredictable Social Entities
(Source). Suboptimal Dialogue between Target and Source with complex properties
can create an insignificant integration state because the Target pursues to process
Closed-loop conditions within the Survival Instinct. Requirements for Closed-loop
Mode in specific Instinct can hamper Conscious Mechanism engagement in
Decision-Making Map. The accuracy of analogical inference can attenuate between
the Conscious Component and Social Contexts. The disparity between Property
attributes of Consciousness and Social Contexts causes Environmental Intricacy.
Consequently, this phenomenon can instantiate and establish Subjective
Inferences with Unpredictable Outputs on the evolutionary path of life (Human
Destiny). (Fig 8)
Property of Genetic Instincts can modify Decision-Making Patterns and
Algorithmic Mechanisms beyond Human Biology.
One of the substantial distinctions between the Subconscious and
Conscious components is allocating the Control Mechanisms behind the Conscious
Component. For example, an Open-loop Cycle within a Single Instance can stay in
starvation mode and obstruct conditions for a Closed-loop Instance.
Mechanisms beyond the Subconscious Component call and usually
instantiate Closed-loop Instinct Mode because the Ego Framework focuses on
Positive Feedback to Instinct Requirements. Instinct Source Codes and Multiple
Module Functions can execute an Instinct Closed-loop Cycle when Positive Feedback
from Ego meets Instinct Requirements.
A Conscious Component has a defensive programming mechanism on Instinct
Open-loop because source codes prevent Positive Feedback to Instinct Requirements
in the Open-loop Cycle.
The Superego Mechanisms and the Logical Parameters within the Conscious
Component can monitor logical Data within Instinct Requirements. Optimal
Requirements can execute the condition for Closed-loop Instinct. Irrelevant
Requirements within Instances can prevent Closed-loop Modes. Negative Feedback
from Conscious Component to Instinct Requirements can cause an underprivileged
Open-loop Model. Eventually, Multiple Deprived Open-loop Models would become
Old Open-loop Instincts in the long term.
The Software Property of the Subconscious Component can barely develop,
become a new feature, and generate a better outcome. Therefore, the Outputs of
Decision-Making Patterns are the same on the evolutionary path of life. Distinct
Instincts become active/ inactive through environmental parameters that alter
Patterns of Decisions over time.
For example, the Functional Mechanisms of Decisions in the Middle Ages
are the same as the Operational Mechanisms today. Humans, through history,
justify that Consistent Functional Mechanisms exist behind Decision Making. A
similar programming code executes and responds only to specific Open-loop
cycles. Gaining Knowledge and life experience can modify the Property of the
Conscious Component through the life path.
The property of the Ego Framework can change the direction of the
Decision-Making Process from the Conscious Component to the Subconscious Component. It
implies that Decision-Making Patterns execute according to definite rules and
predictive genetic preprogramming within Instincts. Logical parameters can
diminish within the Decision-Making Map, and insignificant Genetic Codes can
respond to the evolutionary path of life.
The Distinction Between Robots and Humans
As organic beings, humans can identify as sophisticated Robots because
of Preprogrammed Codes beyond Genetic/Gender instincts embedded in Decisions.
Instance Preprogrammed Codes Execute Algorithmic Mapping in Decision
Analogical Thinking in the specific Gender Instance can advocate a state
of consistency in Decision-Making Patterns. Consistent Algorithms can propose
general Preprogrammed Codes within Subconscious components and similar
disciplines in behavior in predictable ways over a long period.
1-The Program Language
The Program Language builds Subconscious Component
functions for adjusting the Brain Framework's Chemical Language. The Binary
Language within a Robot can execute functions in the Central System.
2- The Conscious and Subconscious Component
Rational Decisions can instantiate through interaction between the
Conscious and Subconscious components. Social environments can influence
Decision Maps. An Autonomous Robot can make decisions according to an algorithm
based on a rational function model.
3-Dialog between the Ego and Superego Framework
The dialogue between the Ego and Superego can determine the Algorithm
Structure Pattern for Decision-Making maps within the Subconscious Component.
The Superego has an instance of threads through Social Contexts, and the Ego Framework has the
Instinct Component. The Algorithm Structure Pattern can always determine
whether Decision Making Map would develop through a Conscious or Subconscious
Component. Autonomous robots lack functional mechanisms of the Ego and Superego
The Dialogue Outcome between Superego and Ego saves in the domain of
Iceberg Cells. The Algorithm Implementation within Dialogue and encapsulated
Logical Parameters through Conscious components can determine if a man passes
the successful evolutionary path of life on earth. The Dialogue Outcome can
respond to Social Complexity through Logical Data in decision-making patterns.
An Instance Parameter of Demonizing Process can uncover and maximize
Current Hypocrisy. Eventually, it entangles Policy Sincerity in Social
Contexts. Vigorous active Competitive Instincts deploy against Competitors or
Opponents through Decision-Making Model.
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