Saturday, August 24, 2019

Source Codes Beyond Biological Systems

This Interdisciplinary Research focuses on Source Codes beyond the Systems Theory Framework, which correlate with operational mechanisms in Biological Systems. Systems Theory requires source codes for its functional agents. Humans can create intelligent Machines (Non-Biological Systems) through Source Codes and Systems Theory Models. Nature makes intelligent Biological Systems through Systems Theory patterns. This research discusses Algorithmic Coding beyond the Systems Theory Framework generated by Nature.
The Black Box Testing Method exploits to identify Pattern Recognition Algorithms within the Systems Theory Framework created by Nature. The Outputs of the Systems Theory are Predictable Patterns in Social Behavior, and the Outputs are Social Contexts/Environmental Parameters.
The Systems Theory Framework in Non-Biological Systems operates under the Control Mechanism of Source Codes and Algorithmic Coding. Source Codes encapsulate beyond the Data Processing Mechanism.
The System Theory in Biological Systems operates under the Control Mechanism of the Subconscious Component. Algorithmic Coding can supervise Decision-Making Patterns, Behaviors, Activities, Growing Processes, Food Processing, and Reproduction. Fig 1, Fig 2

How to Identify an Entity with a Functional Programming Pattern
1- Consistency either in Operational Performances or in Social Behavior.
2- It has encapsulated default value in the Data Processing Mechanism and its Construction Frameworks.
3- The entity operates according to Algorithmic Mechanisms.
4- Predictability in Operational Mechanisms.
According to an observational study, Earth is an Environment with the property of the Artificial Intelligence Model because it contains Entities with characteristics of the Artificial Intelligence Model.
The following Biological Systems are Artificial Intelligence Models:

1-Humans 2- Animals 3- Plants.
Most organisms on Earth have their genetic material codified as DNA, which can produce itself, keep storing information, transmit genetic information, and grow. Therefore, functional mechanisms and algorithmic Coding beyond DNA can associate Earth organisms as a category of artificial intelligence.

Functional Mechanisms within the Earth’s organisms make internal environments work and regulate cell processes according to instructional requirements. An instance of Functional Mechanism always allocates algorithmic Coding, which implies an Environment with an Artificial Intelligence Model.
According to the observational study, DNA in the structure part of almost all organisms is a Local Variable, which a Global Variable can modify within the Subconscious Component. External Forces can also adjust the default value of DNA. Environmental Parameters modify Global Variables in the first stage, and then instance parameters can change the functional mechanism of DNA.




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