Saturday, September 7, 2019

The Paradox of Universal Consciousness

Harmonic Balance within the Instinct Component captures, interacts, and processes Wave Frequencies from Universal Conscious. Active Paranormal Instinct in the Subconscious Component can determine how many Wave Frequencies in the Universal Conscious can align with the Conscious Component. According to pre-programming Codes beyond Algorithmic Mechanisms of Instincts, each Instinct has a type of function and operates independently for certain behaviors. A human can access a Paranormal Platform and a Parallel Universe by possessing an active Paranormal Instinct in the Subconscious Component. A different wave of frequencies creates unexpected and surprising life experiences for Humans. External environments can stimulate an Inactive Paranormal Instinct and generate action to an active Instinct. Universal Consciousness is invisible when the Paranormal Instinct is inactive. Paranormal Instinct can activate in the Subconscious Component when a Network of associated Instincts is in its active mode of operation and another Network of Instincts is in its inactive way. (Fig 1)
Harmonic Balance in Subconsciousness can pave the way to generating the Optimal Decision-Making Model. Algorithmic Codes in Decision-Making Patterns positively modify Social Behavior and Environmental Parameters. The modification would regulate the mechanisms of the Cooperative Instinct and Competitive Instinct. A stable State in the Network of Cooperative Instincts and a Moderate State in the Network of Competitive Instincts can enhance Instincts to Higher layers. Many Networks of Instincts are Unknown in the level of enhancement. Unknown Instincts need to be in an active state. However, a specific number of Unknown Instincts must be inactive. The mode of the Subconscious Component allocates Networks of Spiritual Instinct. Moderate dynamic Spiritual Instincts can promote and transcend further boundaries of the Subconscious Component of the Paranormal Instinct. Active Networks of Paranormal Instinct integrate the Conscious Component with Universal Consciousness. It implies that Conscious Component can receive and transfer diverse Wave Frequencies from Universal Consciousness. Therefore, the Conscious Component can interact with the Parallel Universe or Supernatural Force. (Fig 2)


One of the most crucial missions of men on Earth is integrating the Conscious Component with Universal Consciousness. A high Integration level can allocate and regulate a broad range of Wave Frequencies from Universal Consciousness. A high integration level implies a higher oneself and the fulfillment of life goals so that Integration of Conscious components can be possible through Paranormal Instinct and Spiritual Instinct.
An active network of Cooperative Instinct and moderate Competitive Instinct may generate and activate Spiritual Instinct.
Harmonic Balance between the Ego and Superego Framework would activate the Cooperative Instinct and its networks. Harmonic Balance in Social Contexts promotes and optimizes Harmonic Balance within Iceberg Cells. Exercising unconditional love in Social Contexts might stimulate and activate the Network of Cooperative Instinct and improve the Harmonic Level within Iceberg Cells.
Humans would experience and manifest a higher level of Consciousness when the Conscious Component can detect many diverse Wave Frequencies from Universal Consciousness. 
Measurable wave frequencies can process and transfer between the Brain Framework and Consciousness. Besides, Measurable wave frequencies can transmit and process between Consciousness and Universal Consciousness.

The Ego Framework is an instance of the Network of Competitive Instinct, and the Superego Framework is an Instance of the Network of Cooperative Instinct. The Ego can interact with the Network of Competitive Instinct, and Superego interacts with the Network of Cooperative Instinct. Therefore, the Superego interprets the passionate as Unconditional Love, and Ego can define passionate language/ commitment as obtaining possession of material advantages.
Higher Consciousness implies possessing certain Active/ Inactive Instincts for accessing nearby Universal Consciousness. The higher Conscious Layer can allocate and absorb most frequencies, which perpetuate within Universal Consciousness and Parallel Universe. The frequencies can establish an Optimal Understanding of Universal Consciousness and Instance Parameters. People with Higher Consciousness can hear, see, and feel Invisible Entities in the Parallel Universe. Medium-Level Consciousness may barely capture data frequencies from Universal Consciousness and Parallel Universe. Low-level Consciousness never encapsulates signals with a reliable frequency rate of response.


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