Thursday, June 29, 2023

External Frequencies Modify the DNA of Organisms

All entities in the universe are molecules vibrating at various speeds—for example. Vibration can include plants, rocks, animals, thoughts, and emotions. Human frequencies are composed of everything from physical matter to abstract things, like communicating your ideas. In other words, some molecules vibrate faster, and some vibrate slower; there are higher and lower vibrations.
Human cells can start to mutate when their frequency drops below 62MHz and cause illness. Therefore, High Frequencies can promote emotional stability and reduce stress, and Low Frequencies perpetuate sickness in the human body. Besides, Happiness, Sadness, Anger, and Calmness allocate a frequency range of 417-440 HZ.
The Conscious Component Channel resonates and transfers frequency waves to the Brain Framework, Cells, and DNA properties. Cells that vibrate at a higher frequency are full of energy and are healthy, reflecting how we feel. A healthy human body vibrates at a frequency range of (62-70 MHz).
External Forces can modify specific organisms’ DNA properties by transmitting positive/Negative Frequencies to the Conscious Component by editing codes and destination addresses. Designated codes identify a domain of property and change the specific variable of functionality beyond organisms. (Fig1)
External Forces can vibrate with Negative Frequencies, which contain algorithmic bias, and search for organisms with a fuzzy logical set of functionalities. Algorithmic principles can edit and modify source protocol codes beyond the DNA Framework. The designated organism would develop errors in the long term.

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